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  1. Yup! That’s exactly what I had! What I did, is I completely removed it from the Game Data Folder, and put a clean download of KER in the Game Data. It’s importiant to restart your game in between deleting the old KER and installing the new one! Hope it works for you, it did for me!
  2. I’m working on a 2018 BFR Recreation. I’m attempting to land using Mech Jeb, and the approach is fine, however at 10,000 m the space craft flips out of control. The design uses procedural fuel tanks for the fuel, raptor (alcentar mod) Engines, 3 delta wings for the landing legs / wings, and I put quite a few reaction wheels in the payload bay above the tanks. Above the payload bay is a passanger module and then an M3 capsule. Above the capsule is an M3 aerodynamic nose cone with a ring of rcs thrusters around it. Thats the gist of it. Can’t figure out why it would flip like it is.
  3. Hi! So when attempting to minimize Kerbal Engineer Redux while in the VAB, KE was reduced to 2 little vertical rectangles and won’t open now.  I’m wondering if there is a fix for this!
  4. Hi! So when attempting to minimize Kerbal Engineer Redux while in the VAB, KE was reduced to 2 little vertical rectangles and won’t open now. I’m wondering if there is a fix.
  5. Great NEWS! I think I figured it out. The issue actually lies in the accent autopilot conflicting with the landing autopilot. Long story, short I just needed to turn off “Limit Q” for landing in the Utilities Window and everything worked perfectly. Essentially what is happening, is when I’m hitting thicker atmosphere, the throttle is cut to prevent increasing dynamic pressure “Q” however it’s comfused because the accent autopilot is mistaking accent for decent. Ironically employing the engines during landing is exactly what is needed to reduce dynamic pressure! Thanks for all your help!
  6. I've seemed to run into another issue - can't seem to attach my screenshot! It's ashamed. This may be helpful lol
  7. Thank you for the in-depth response, I will also post this in the mech jeb forum. Do you know the proper page to post? A commonality is if I use mech jeb at all for landing, it will do this. (It hasn’t always done this though as other designs have landed fine). I have an action group to replicate the 3 engine burn and the single engine burn, however what’s funny is there has been times where the rocket will crash, and If the engines survive, they will actually start to burn at full throttle! One thing to note, is you can still see the contrail of the engines, because one thing to note is they come on for a second and then shut down. I’ll post an image in a later post, as I can’t post an image while using the mobile site. (I think)
  8. Hmm at first glance I would think it’s a mech jeb Issue, however the same condition takes place when I attempt to do a landing burn on my own. One Item to note, is the moment the issue starts, Mech Jeb auto landing will say on status: “Breaking: Target Speed = NaN m/s”
  9. Thanks! And, I don’t think so. The landing legs automatically deploy with Mech Jeb, but the landing burn won’t happen. I’ve tried doing the landing on my own, and the engines won’t reignite either, when it’s time to do the landing burn. I usually hit the ground going 320 m/s!
  10. I’m attempting space X style landing with booster. I’m using stock vector engines (tweakscale mod to fit 9 engines on booster) and mech jeb, along with reusablity mod with landing legs and grid fins. Throttle works until about 1 km above the ground? Is there anyway to fix this?
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