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Everything posted by _TG_

  1. for me, the revert bug only happened when an RTS-1 was attached to the craft. Ports, Winches were fine.
  2. This might be a bug: So I had a plane with a [jr. docking port]-[jr. docking port]-[JS-1 socket] setup. I used the socket to connect a probe to it with a telescopic joint. When I undocked the docking port (socket still attached), flew away with the plane outside of 2.4km, then I landed next to it again I got this: Here is a clean save file where you can reproduce the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/72c4a64ow5fr1r5/temp.zip?dl=0
  3. Action group support will give you this once it's done. Old KAS has it, and I use it for cranes in payload reintegration. 4 winches moving in sync looks really nice.
  4. Any plan on action group support for the new winches? I'm using extend/retract on the legacy ones and it's very useful for cranes. Btw here's a little carrier action with the new winch: https://imgur.com/59PVZ4m
  5. "obey crossfeed" was OFF for me, (i totally forgot about this option )
  6. Cool, thanks for looking into it. I'm happy I don't need to rebuild my carrier There is another strange thing I noticed, when I connect 2 ships with RTS-1 in undocked mode, and open the transfer GUI, it can't see fuel tanks past non-crossfeedable parts. Examples: -if the RTS-1 is on an i-beam, it won't see any fuel tanks on the source ship -if there are any fuel tanks on the target ship which are connected to the rest of the ships with panels or ibeams, the transfer gui will not see them. Is this expected, or it should work similar to stock fuel transfer and ignore non-crossfeed parts? Example save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uowkrj7yiutslxm/KAS Fuel Test.zip?dl=0 Related topic, the 20 max transfer limit in the GUI is a little bit slow for big ships, are there any plans to increase it?
  7. Sorry, here is a clean save file where I reproduced the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zst5llyb79r4y8f/KAS Test.zip?dl=0 Just fly away with the plane and after passing 2.5 km from the two connected base parts, the issue happens (at least for me)
  8. I think I found a bug. I had a carrier with 2 airplanes on it, the first 1 was connected to the carrier with a W-50 winch+socket. When I flew away with the second plane, after getting outside of the physics range (2.5 km) NullReferenceExceptions started popping up in the log (https://www.dropbox.com/s/wunvpaa6ajwpsq5/KSP.log?dl=0): NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () KAS.KASLinkSourcePhysical.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) PartModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoPartModuleSnapshot..ctor (.PartModule module) ProtoPartSnapshot..ctor (.Part PartRef, .ProtoVessel protoVessel) ProtoVessel..ctor (.Vessel VesselRef) Vessel.Unload () Vessel.Update () F5 stopped working at this point which is very strange. I reloaded and disconnected the first plane from the carrier, then I could flew away with the second one without the errors and I could F5 too. I only have KAS and ModuleManager installed.
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