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Everything posted by smushanoob

  1. intriguing system plan. i am especially interested in that green moon around the green looking gas giant. Any extra insight there and especially its habitability but strange color?
  2. They have the parallax terrain textures and some stock-based scatters but currently due to performance im working out some issues regarding extraplanetary scatters (other planets will have their flora aswell!) so as to not blow up peoples pc's.
  3. Yes. There is currently a bug with a plant (which was removed for these images) that will be fixed soon but overall should be the exact same as what players get when they download
  4. Release v0.4.3 "Unity" · smushanoob1/Ahum-2 (github.com) A new (and important) update has been released! Check it out.
  5. The neutron star is obscured here by the main star (a type), though you can see the ejecta jets
  6. Release Ahum 2 v0.3.0 "Stargazing" · smushanoob1/Ahum-2 (github.com) New update Major bugfixes System rearrangements (still WIP) Alter Kerbin's atmosphere reduced (it currently copies Eve's atmosphere as a placeholder.) New planets EVE Volumetrics compatability (config to go back to 2d clouds is still there. unzip Clouds.zip in EVE in AlterKerbin/Extras if you dont want to use/cant use them.) Renamed Irch to Alaodae Aloadae now has an obscured surface. Changed Aloadae's ring New parallax stuff Quality of life enhancements Added long-awaited Alter Kerbin Parallax flora (not 100% sure it works. I haven't had this build tested yet, so report any bugs in #support on my discord.) Added PlanetShine compatibility Added protostar (named Hailene) seen at the edge of the home system. Made Asinius, S'all, and Mene become part of a minor-objects belt as opposed to moons of the Alter Kerbin-Concordia binary. Asinius texture modified (more like Ceres but this is still heavy wip. Not proud of it yet) S'all texture modified (land is gray and rocky now) Concordia Scatterer Tweaks Alter Kerbin and Aloadae texture refining Fixed bug where you would instantly explode and die upon leaving the Alter Kerbin's Sphere Of Influence. made Mauran into a neutron star, with visible ejecta beams. Added the Blunkel plasma trail in place of the Blunkel nebula for realism reasons. Credit to TheOrios for this idea. Made tracking station name colors match up with the orbit icon/line colors. (Catch is it makes all lines of text generated after the names being listed colored in the same fashion. No big deal though.) Changed name of Alcax 11965 to Olaorin Moved Olaorin (formerly Alcax 11695) closer to Mauran Modified Olaorin's mass
  7. It is the center of the main system, With the main star and this neutron star being a binary.
  8. The visual polish could use work, but the textures are nice. Cool stuff
  9. This planet was moved into a position where it would be in the outer reaches of the asteroid belt, where it picked up a bunch of and was impacted by a load of minor objects essentially forming a mix of both
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