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Everything posted by Iodyne

  1. I hate to be one of those people, but I have to ask if support for BetterCrewAssignment is ever something that would (or even could) happen (for both KCT and CrewR&R)? Perfectly understandable if it's a resounding "no" but again I had to ask. Snark did detail the difficulty of incorporating it: Also, if it's any consolation, if I had to pick between KCT/CR&R and BCA, I would pick the former (shh don't tell Snark)
  2. Just fyi @JPLRepo, your 7.13 release on github does not include the .zip, only the source zip and tar. The other download mirrors seem fine.
  3. Forgive my potential necro, but has there ever been any follow-up to this? The last version released by katateochi was 1.2.0 back in oct 2019. Unless I'm blind, I don't see this "new release" on github or in the CKAN metadata. I do see your fork on github, as well as deep-blue's, but neither have been compiled for a .zip release as far as I can tell. Any info about this? Honestly just more curious than anything; this isn't a must-have mod for me and God knows you're busy, @linuxgurugamer
  4. Hey @Interplanet Janet! Thanks for reviving Exo's work. Since we're in a new thread, I figured I'd let everyone know @hemeac and I made some configs for MPE back in 1.8. I didn't see them posted here (albeit I hardly looked), and they might need some tweaking (which I may be open to doing in the future), but here they are. I also have another patch for principia which I was working on back then, and will try to finish now that I'm getting back into things (I will also be releasing a principia patch for stock, OPM, and perhaps other planet packs like extrasolar).
  5. I can't remember if this was the issue/fix I encountered in 1.8.1, but installing SolverEngines (an AJE dependency) directly might fix this issue. Make sure to replace the preexisting mod (as it is bundled with AJE).
  6. You should just be able to delete the whole GameData/AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Skybox folder. (Delete after the texture installation to also get rid of the image files.
  7. Hey @R-T-B, been reconstructing my old v1.8 500+ mod folder for v1.11 and I happened to notice this bug was raised over in KerbalAlarmClock thread. Haven't tested myself yet but just wondering if this managed to make it into your radar:
  8. Here you go man, it's just the scatterer .half files (and config) from SVE, although I may have changed it a little. Just decompress and drag into your GameData folder. If for some reason it doesn't work let me know. Also, if you are interested, keep an eye out for a modified set of AVP configs I'll be dropping pretty soon. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyinEdCSUMKWfcRIIanPyytXQJH87ywZ/view?usp=sharing EDIT: It might not look as good but if you want a simpler fix, go into GameData/AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Scatterer/Planets/Kerbin/atmo.cfg and edit the three "scatteringExposure" values. They are set at 0.23 and lowering these will make the ground easier to see. SVE had values as low as 0.065 but you can fiddle with it until you find the look that you like. Something in between is probably good.
  9. Unless you're including it in a future update you should probably just paste it in the thread. Others (like me) will use it too.
  10. The life support monitors overlay text if multiple life support systems are installed. Kerbalism is now compatible with TACLS. Changing LifeSupportMonitor_KERBALISM.cfg from @PROP[LifeSupportMonitor]:NEEDS[Kerbalism] to @PROP[LifeSupportMonitor]:NEEDS[Kerbalism,!TacLifeSupport] fixes it.
  11. I just saw this now, so I'm guessing this isn't needed but I made it before I saw: //OPT_reconfig fix @PART:HAS[#TechRequired[covertAero]]:AFTER[OPT_Reconfig] { @TechRequired = appliedAerospaceTech } @PART:HAS[#TechRequired[covertAero2]]:AFTER[OPT_Reconfig] { @TechRequired = interstellarPropulsion } @TechTree:AFTER[OPT_Reconfig] { !RDNode:HAS[#id[covertAero]] {} !RDNode[covertAero2] {} } For OPT reconfig, either syntax for removing the nodes works.
  12. @JadeOfMaar I did a few things... https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/pull/13 Here's also one extra thing to extend the nuclear reactors to NTRs of some other mods: https://bit.ly/31s1UPV
  13. I've used this extensively in 1.7.3; it seems the main problems arise when physics warping (including 1x) through the arbitrary boundary of each body (typically 100km). Also causes issues if loading a quicksave in orbit. So if anyone really wants to use it instead of Principia, just keep those in mind. Also if anyone is wondering for creating tilt configs, the tiltx and tiltz axes relate to the ascending node as follows (if I can recall correctly): AN = 0 degrees --> - z AN = 90 degrees --> -x AN 180 degrees --> z AN 270 degrees --> x just imagine a unit circle with -z at 0 radians, -x at pi/2, z at pi, and x at 3pi/2 then just use trig equations to get the values you need inclination = sqrt(x^2 + z^2) AN = tan(x/z) (make sure to use the angle in the correct quadrant) this way you can match a planets tilt to the orbital inclination of its moon(s) or match the axial tilt of a tidally-locked body to the inclination of its orbit around its parent. there definitely are a few reliability issues; notably it seems that either adding new celestial bodies or every other game load sometimes throws the tilts in a different direction.
  14. Would it be possible to have show the mod or file location info for a specific module? Like showing a tooltip (Janitor's Closet-esque) when hovering over a section (in the right-click part menu in the editor). I know most of the mods that add these have their name as the title but not all do.
  15. @JadeOfMaar Gotcha. If I wasn't clear, the airScoop functionality I'm referring to is in the LF Eve Ocean patch. Working on extending the tanks to other parts/mods.
  16. No problem. Yeah, it's certainly more intricate than necessary; doing it solely for consistency. I did not remove the alternators for the NTJ-like reactors. They have a significant electric charge output_resource; should I remove the alternator? does it make a difference? Nertea's reactors do remove the alternator. Since it seems to just be VFX (and Nertea's actual NTJ in his mod still has EngineLight, heat output, and fuel use active when it probably shouldn't, having the plume active actually makes it a bit easier to see it needs to be turned off (although maybe a bit harder to realize its not providing thrust). But anyway I'm spending a bit too much time making everything perfect when it doesn't really matter all that much. The thrust and ISP values I will need to figure out.. although I could just not use the stock LV-N; whats the point when I have these wonderful RR engines? --------------------- I see there's support for Mining Expansion, so I just installed that. Wondering about compatibility with the extras. Specifically the double EveLFOceans patch between ME and RR. If I just installed one then I'd lose functionality with either the airScoop or SMX_1mStackPump. I noticed that the airScoop is given functionality for the ocean harvesting; that should be changed to the hydroscoop, right?
  17. Here's what I wrote: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xw4otcsNlcaYbtvrpFlb5qXdxglZqyn6?usp=sharing. It's NTRReactorPatch.cfg. I had to adjust the rates to allow full throttle above 90-95 percent reactor power. ------- In addition, I put in an alternative of Nertea's reactor modules for consistency when NFElectrical/KerbalAtomics is installed, but I'm not sure how to get the engine VFX to disable when the reactor is off (but the engine is on). For reference his config for the stock LV-N is nuclearEngine.cfg I also tried to change the thrust and ISP values Nertea's hydrogenNTRsSQUAD.cfg applies to the LV-N to be in line with RRs values, but I also can't get it to work. (although that's not RRs issue; I can take it up with him) ------- I noticed the bread tanks were missing from the CCK category; fixed it by changing @PART:HAS[#manufacturer[Kenron]]:NEEDS[RationalResourcesParts] { @tags ^= :$: cck-rr: } to @PART:HAS[#manufacturer[Kenron]]:NEEDS[RationalResourcesParts]:AFTER[RationalResourcesParts] { @tags ^= :$: cck-rr: } ---------- Yeah I was referring to that; should have been more specific. Although, in the RR_TankswitchForSquad.cfg, when you updated the configurablecontainers check to /Parts, you— intentionally or not— removed the "!cryoTanks" from each of the NEEDS checks. I don't know if it is just my GameData, but the absence caused the stock tanks to not contain the Cryo Tanks types (hydrolox, methalox, etc.) and caused the Cryo Tanks' Hydrogen tanks to not contain any of the RR tank types. Adding these back in fixed the problem for me, and so perhaps that is what @Clamp-o-Tron is experiencing (or what he may come to experience even with Cryo Tanks and the NF Launch Vehicles patch).
  18. Gotcha @Tonka Crash; makes enough sense. Thanks; although I noticed you forgot to rotate the lights on the top of the Mk2 Lander Can V2. Should be: //Mk2 lander can (V2) @PART[mk2LanderCabin_v2]:AFTER[ReStock]:NEEDS[IndicatorLights] { !MODEL:HAS[#model[IndicatorLights/Meshes/squareLamp]],* { } MODEL { model = IndicatorLights/Meshes/squareLamp scale = 1, 0.25, 0.5 position = 0.0, 0.365, -1.378 rotation = 0, 180, 0 } MODEL { model = IndicatorLights/Meshes/squareLamp scale = 0.25, 1, 0.5 position = -0.245, 0.745, 0 rotation = -90,0,0 //0, 180, 0 } MODEL { model = IndicatorLights/Meshes/squareLamp scale = 1, 0.25, 0.5 position = 0.0, -0.065, -1.378 rotation = 0, 180, 0 } MODEL { model = IndicatorLights/Meshes/squareLamp scale = 0.25, 1, 0.5 position = 0.245, 0.745, 0 rotation = -90,0,0 //0, 180, 0 } }
  19. Yeah you can use @SUBTYPE,* { I was trying something similar; I noticed that getting rid of the "tankType" in the part files directly or turning them into tankType:NEEDS[!RealFuels] works. But I didn't write a universal one; you can see my attempt earlier in the thread here. @Part[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[SUBTYPE:HAS[tankType]]]:FINAL //:AFTER[RealFuels] { @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch],* { @SUBTYPE[*],* { !tankType = DEL !addedMass = DEL !addedCost = DEL } } } This is how far I got; doesn't seem to work and not sure what to do from here
  20. Nertea's Cryotanks adds it in to most/all tanks.
  21. Using the patch for NFElectricalNTRs (and EngineLight), the stock nuclear engine still emits light (although not exhaust effects) when the engine is active but the reactor off. Is there a way to edit the config so the enginelight can grab whether the reactor is active or is that a limitation of EngineLight itself? Obviously not a big deal, can always just have the engine deactivated when not using it, but it is an edge case that exists.
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