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Everything posted by TheMultiVitamin

  1. Just wanted to ask before I yeeted this into my playthrough, is this compatible with 1.11.2? I'm assuming yes but I figured i'd ask instead of guess.
  2. Hiya, so got a question, I'm using this mod in 1.10.1 and so far it works just fine, however it says that there's KSPedia info for it on the front page, but I can't seem to see or find it's KSPedia page, that is it's not anywhere in said KSPedia. Any suggestions?
  3. @JadeOfMaarYea I'm not using CKAN, I thought I downloaded the most recent version, I guess I was incorrect. I'll redownload the most recent, thanks for the help and for making this in the first place!
  4. Hello, I think I might have run into an incompatibility between this mod and B9 Part Switch? I got a fatal error with Part Switch that said thus https://imgur.com/a/sRNZiza Here's my log as well: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15GyBG4NdwC9HJYbg6WlHVom2Svx1mhvw/view?usp=sharing
  5. Luckily I'm running a heavily modded game, one of which is KSPIE, so I should hopefully be able to work with that without having to use the warp drives. If anything I can just make intermittent refueling stations alongside mining stations and work with that.
  6. Yea I actually just read up on it doing a slightly deeper search. Seems the creator of Extrasolar was going to add compatibility at some point but so far has yet to. I'm wondering now if maybe Galaxies Unbound might work, for now I suppose I'll use JNSQ on it's own. I'll have to get used to a more realistic and upscaled system in the first place before I can start thinking about going interstellar anyway
  7. Oh thank you for letting me know! I'll uninstall those 2 now then, much rather go with JNSQ's own visual then much else. Also do you know if an extrasolar planet pack would work with JNSQ as well? One that adds a new star system/s to be more clear. I'm assuming it does as JNSQ is just the stock system and the one I'm considering doesn't touch stock at all, but I'd like to be sure.
  8. Does Stock Visual Enhancements and Stock Visual Terrain work with JNSQ? My initial assumption was yes since all three are made by the same person/team, but I figure I'd ask before assuming.
  9. I'm assuming at the moment that this doesn't do much of anything for planet packs until their creators/a third party makes appropriate files? Mainly asking so I can know if this will work with JNSQ or not.
  10. Has anyone managed to get this to work with 1.10/1.10.1 without it messing up yet? This is by far one of my favorites and have been badly wanting it for my current modded campaign playthrough.
  11. Yea it does! Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!
  12. @SnarkActually question wise, if I did a mission report series in a similar vein, without the RP and the claiming and stuff, would that work? In that there wouldn't be any RP posts, but the community would vote on what I would do next for the mission report and then make my mission report post as to how it went and the like? Keeping the RP based stuff out of it and just having them decide things via polls and the like? Maybe even utilizing the ships they built if anyone would upload any?
  13. Understandable, it makes me wonder how they had gotten it to work over on the DF forums to be honest, a lot of the people there have majorly differing social opinions but still somehow manage to get along for the sake of RP. Thanks for all of the Info! I really do appreciate it. Sad that it can't happen here but I understand the circumstances as to why it can't.
  14. Ah I didn't see that rule! thanks for letting me know and the like. Typically this kind of thing is done via Forum because it works better as a Forum based game, the original idea coming from the Dwarf Fortress forums where people do something similar. Thanks for letting me know and the heads up about the rule that I didn't see though!
  15. Didn't know whether to post this here or in Fan works, but basically i'd like to ask if people would want to do a Kerbal Space Program Community Game? Basically how it would work is that I, as the OP, would make story based posts based on what happens in the game, and the community members would take on the role of kerbals of influence, coming to a consensus of what we do next with what parts we have available. The community members could "Claim" directors, workers, family members, visitors, pilots, engineers, scientists and in some cases tourists, and make RP based posts as those characters in reaction to what happens in the game or what happens RP wise between each other as events. I would be trying my best to deliver on what they'd want to do and RP about (for instance, if someone wanted to RP that they made a mobile roving satellite that went around the KSC to monitor what's happening, I would make a rover, use kOS to automate it, and have it do so). It would be heavily modded for as much realism and content as possible, and it could lead to the community coming together to create a unique story narrative and just have fun with it all at the same time. I would also be supply Screenshots and the like as best I can as well.
  16. I figured it out. Something with RemoteTech was messing up, getting rid of it fixed it.
  17. In KSP I'm only able to build the first craft, launch it, and then land it, all while doing the Goo science along each stage and getting an EVA Report and Sample. But once I recover the vessel, i'm immediately ejected to the Facility overlook and the pilot is labelled as missing. I can't enter the R&D building because it says that it's closed. I can't enter any buildings other then the Management center where you recruit more Kerbals. Once i'm in the Management building I can't leave it, and I can't exit the game either. I'm running 1.5.1 and the mods I have are: It's a load of mods, I know. Sorry if that doesn't make it easier in helping me. I play on Science mode and the only options I change are Enabling Indestructible Facilities, Enable Kerbal Experience, Hide unresearchable nodes, Remove empty Horizontal and Vertical space, Enable Show Statistics for kOS, and enable Group All Planetary Base System parts in Function Filter.
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