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  1. Could I make something like that? If you give me a guideline where to find the nonRP0 parts, I would be happy to try. Anyhow thanks for all the fishes
  2. This is a great mod to shorten the endless list of parts, and Im intrigued by the prune option as to shorten loading times I play RSS RP0 and even though I have the folders of nonrp0 etc, these folders (if I get them correctly just make the nonRP0 parts disappear but they are still loaded every time. Now there comes the prune command of janitor to shorten load times and memory usage. Is there a list or an easy way to prune all the nonRP0 parts???
  3. Ok that solves it, no principia for my old computer (Q6600@3000 + 8GB RAM) Oh I remember that spreadsheet, I feel weak now to attack it but one day I think in RP0 they skipped 1.4.5 for 1.5.1 https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/pull/908 which is at odds with RO as they skipped released 1.4.5 and skipped 1.5.1 for 1.6 So after all that if someone wants RP-0 with RO one should stick to the magikal 1.3.1 PS I stand corrected more newer info here . There will be after all a "minor" release for 1.4.5 https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/976
  4. In my understanding by having less mods and less parts, and many parts in RSS are kind of redundant. I havent tried yet @hypervelocity Thanks for the recommendation. Now that I have already started with 1.4.5 (I know I was a victim of thinking this would be a better experience), Im a little bit lazy to go back and loose my "progress". It took me long enough to make everything work smoothly
  5. I love it so far, playing with real earth real fuels, more pain in the ass stuff makes the game challenging again. I would recommend for people not to look for tutorials, and experiment. Rockets are supercheap so making mistakes and experimenting as part of the process I will install the janitor's closet to make my memory footprint and my clogged parts a bit less of pain in the ass (hopefully). is it worth installing principia in order to have the correct tilts? and also Im playing 1.4.5 so no RP1 and no clouds for me if I get it correctly. Right now I cant really miss it with my memory footprint, but clouds are cool Is it worth to first play RP0 and then RP1? The only problem is when I get to play kerbal again I dont get much sleep thanks to everybody for this great super-meta-mod
  6. ehm ehm, what is the difference between rp-1 and rp-0 ? rp 0 is usually stock in rss or am I mistaken??
  7. It will be my first RO play , so I look at the list of the proposed mods in the new parts section. There are simply too many, and don't want to swamp into different parts that are very similar. FASA and soviet seems a no brainer but what about all the others??? thanks PS it's awesome to have a new release thanks a bunch to all the people who worked for this
  8. dont sweat about it , we will wait until the cows decide that it's the right time to come home
  9. If you made the effort to read just a couple of pages before your post , you would have found out that they are nearly ready for an update to 1.4.5 and then they plan to go on to 1.6 directly
  10. Thanks for all the efforts of updating the mods. RO makes for a very different experience in KSP. I think the mods are not updated so quickly anymore because of mod fatigue. The current updating cycle of the game is not very mod friendly . Releasing 2-3-4 "new" versions of the game with minimal improvements adds a lot of work and stress to the mod community trying to keep up with the updates. For KSP being a very heavy mod dependent game (mods account for a huge chunk of it's value) , these frequent updates are not very wise indeed. In real terms we could have skipped from 1.2 to 1.6 in one big realese, but that's supposedly not good marketing. So in the current environment the modders suffer as they try to keep up everything up-to-date, that's why I'm even more gratefull for those people that still make the effort.
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