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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. Oh, yeah, its repairing solar pannels that is...... My fault.
  2. I loved it. I like how it is like 2 old friends talking to each other.
  3. @jimmymcgoochie true. He could have clipped 2 or 3 together.
  4. I think he did.... If your wondering how, its because of 1.10 or 1.11 when the engineers got an update, they can repack chutes, and fix solar pannels, as well as build/rearrange crafts.
  5. Nein. It is I...... Where @Lewie been........ F-14 gang made this post.
  6. *Jeb laughs at this attempt. Then states, "If someone's hurt, especially someone I'm close to, I'll waste all the fuel getting back to them, so stand aside."* Also, two questions. Are you gonna put a forum member into the storyline as a cameo? And when can we expect the next chapter?
  7. Airplane 1 snap out of it flashbacks intesify..... I would also like to say that I hope that in some way/shape/form that Trailblazer is reintroduced. Maybe Jeb comes back and beats the world out of Dilgas. I also hope that he doesn't kill Val, or Tina (obviously not however, cause the whole story is a memoir of her time as an Kerbonaut. I expect a recovery story from Val..... She looses something, but slowly relearns how to use it. @jimmymcgoochie, you wanna throw in forum members as a joke/cameo?? Would you be willing to do that??
  8. @jimmymcgoochie Me: Sees notif that you posted here Me: Aw yeah!! We got another chapter fellas
  9. Sometimes it gives them white suits despite having the orange suit selected......
  10. Selling guns is like selling vacuum cleaner- Nick Cage, in God of War.
  11. @AngryPotato9so, are you allowing the early game SRB? I need to know so I don't break the rules. (I have decided to see how far I can get on a save with it).
  12. Banned for banning too many people. BANNED!!!!!!!
  13. Ive been listening to Brass band covers of 80's music, and one Axel F cover is bouncing around the cage that one calls my head. Also, whats up with 1.5 Emiko saga??
  14. Why??? Quite frankly, I'd like to know what Leonov had to say.
  15. Because, I summon thee @Lewie . And Kerbiliod is dead. (Not really).
  16. Granted, but your spelling check system corrupted, sending all texts to minion speak. I wish for some 20 dollar bills, in USD.
  17. Jack Palladino, famous PI. Died today, age 76, after being attacked outside his home. https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEAcHukGK6fbr3jAB5DeBOSoqFwgEKg8IACoHCAowjuuKAzCWrzwwt4QY?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Hal Holbrook, Actor, dies at age 95. He died Jan 23, but it was only confirmed last night.
  18. I mentioned this earlier, but your pictures for this jet engine, and the "Nuclear Engine" (A Pratt & Whittney F100). KSP has the AB on the Panter, but it is not as good as the real life things. This will most likely not improve, because of KSP being a space type game and not a Flight Sim.
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