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  1. Seems the issue was that I missed the bit of the OP that explained the different values, I had expected throttle to not be enabled at all by default but that was not the case so even with nothing connected I was getting weird behavior from the floating pins as ljkjl mentioned.
  2. Any reason why my throttle would not want to go lower than about 30%? (At least not permanently, it "jumps" back) I don't have it enabled nor anything connected to the pin allocated to it.
  3. (this is just a guess) /GameData/BDArmory/Parts/ABL/part.cfg: Adjust: tracerStartWidth = 0.3 tracerEndWidth = 0.3 Higher values should make the beam wider.
  4. Yeah pretty sure as long as the aspect ratio is maintained it will still wrap correctly. Right?
  5. Here is a quick batch script that will walk you through generating your renders how you want, all you have to do is enter the values you want and it will handle the command for you: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64883506/ICF.bat Place it in the same folder as the mapgen. Its a bat so if you feel unsafe running it open it in notepad and take a look at the code.
  6. Pretty damn beautiful if you ask me. Well, for a giant crater-ridden rock anyway. 8) EDIT: How do I alter this to show up on a grey-scale? Type: isa_RAM_MapGen.exe grey In cmd. Might need to cd to the directory first, so if KSP was in the root of your C drive: cd.. cd.. cd KSP cd isa_ram_mapper Then run the command.
  7. Gimbaling engines are a lot simpler than they seem. You have a collider, a 'base' and a 'gimble' the base and gimble are seen as one object but the gimble object will move when vectoring. So you should have a node_collider, obj_base, and an obj_gimbal. The actual gimble range is controlled by gimbalRange = X in the CFG with thrustVectoringCapable = True enabled (or added to the cfg) I\'m pretty sure you need to have your pivot point at the base.
  8. That did the trick, and I didn\'t even know about the pivot point. Was wondering why my doors were rotating oddly.
  9. On your cargo bay how did you manage to get the doors positioned correctly? Mine close fine but they are half a meter above where they should be.
  10. Yes stock chutes are a no go, however silisko\'s decoupler parachute will do the trick.
  11. I think he means VTOL type turbines. I was actually asking around to see if it was possible not too long ago. Its just a matter of changing thrust direction depending on the state of the part (Retracted|Extended)
  12. He uses C7 yes. He most likely landed on the runway, atm I don\'t think there is another way without a plugin. Horizontal VAB shouldn\'t be that far away though.
  13. Rather than control surfaces use C7\'s rcs units. I used the winter owl part as a tail and placed two Heavy-L rcs units on each side of the tip, do the same with the nose of your craft and turning is a breeze. If necessary place one under the nose and under the tail also.
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