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Everything posted by JamesB84

  1. Was this ever figured out? I'm having the exact same problem. I already had textures unlimited installed, so I reinstalled it and it didn't seem to fix it. Looking at the Textures Unlimited Github issues tracker, I think I found that the mod is behaving poorly with the DLC. What adverse effects will there be for removing Textures Unlimited completely? What should I be running KSP with if not OpenGL, DirectX 11, or DirectX 12? Edit: So removing the "000_TexturesUnlimited" folder seems to fix the quarter icon problem for inventory slots, but all the item icons in the VAB are now blueish. To explain this further, on the side where you pick the peice you want, those icons are all blueish. When you hover over it with your mouse, you can see the texture in the window that pops up. When you click on the model to place it in the building area, it also has the correct texture. I think I could almost live with this, but I feel that there is a better solution. I assume removing the folder removed the textures for that type of icon. I'll explore this more when I get some more time. I'm still open to any advice or solutions.
  2. Try out the Throttle Controlled Avionics mod. It's a little complicated at first, but it makes all the engine balancing a breeze.
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