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Everything posted by PictoKong

  1. The Face was already discovered, the Great Forum Wipe must have cleared it tho
  2. -Total SSTO Planes (more than 20k meters) -Total SSTO that actually made it to orbit -Number of dockings -Number of visits (SOIs) in each planet/moons -Longest mission -Number of quicksave/quickload -Most Flights active -Number of debris -Total Flights that made it to outerspace
  3. Finished university this week too! But i still got 2 years ahead of me... Well for now i got 4 months of relaxation
  4. Duna can be done with stock, maybe moho too, also most of the moons (except maybe jool's ones?, thinking bout laythe...) eve it just impossible on stock/no infinite fuel... Haven't tried myself tho...
  5. Trick with the calculator: instead of the velocity, use your eyes! I mean: when the apopasis/periapsis (kerbol relative) is aligned to the planet you are trying to reach, you should have an encounter displayed (set the max patched to 3, to get it in Kerbin's SoI). If not, plnace change once there and you should see it. I usually start at the required angle or a bit before (ejection angle, that is) but my interplanetary stage is pretty powerful... also, be sure the planets are correctly placed (i use adamKSP, really useful for thoses kinda things. Lastly, quicksave a bit before you start your burn (like one orbit) so you can quickload if you mess up. This is the only way (collision) to make it to planets and back with stock parts and not overly powerful rockets. Juno for exemple... you can't waste THAT much fuel since it costs a lot just to get there in the first place
  6. I recall there being a tutorial on orbital manuveurs, it might also help if you still don't quite "get it". For RAD + and RAD -, it took me a while to get the hang of it, but the only time it is really useful would be for rendez-vous and changing the periapsis of an planetary capture. RAD + and RAD - will ALWAYS be towards the planet/moon and away from it, if you are on a circular orbit. They will bring you closer or farther, depending on the direction... This is a plane change: in the exemple they started at like 45° and got to 90° the Dot is the spacecraft. It burned when it was at the equator (that's the node, there is also one opposite to it, behind the planet). Since they want to go south, they burned 135° (assuming 45° at start) and the ship moved slowly towards 180°. The ship indeed spins with the orbit.
  7. Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am proud to announce the success of The Stack at making a Duna and Ike landing! For the second time going to Duna (first try resulted in me being stuck in orbit...) it isn't that bad! All was done stock and eyeballed (I only check the angle at which duna and kerbin must be for intercept... even then i think i messed it up...) I did plan for an Orbit and Return stylr mission, but i changed idea when i reached my initial goal. And here goes the pictures! (image heavy!) As you can see, the interplanetary stage and the orbiting/extra stage are supported by the patented Stack. There might be a bit "too much" trust in that ascent stage, but Jeb begs to differ! Only at 12k meters and we already spent the majority of the Stack! Orbiting nice and low... perfect for an interplanetary trip! Now that the main ascent engine is used, nuclear power, here it comes! The 6 nuclear rockets really make for a great deep space stage! Now, Time for the Warp! About half-way there... time to make some adjustments Ok... after a good minute trying to make the camera look at the right thing, i can see we may need to go a bit south Now we shall get that periapsis down to a reasonable lenght! Meh... good enough! I burned at the SoI limit and got the periapsis just about right Great view of Ike and Duna as i get closer and closer... Didn't want to over do it, but nicely done, without spent fuel! After all that trouble, I'm in a nice round and low orbit around duna.... with a lot, and i mean LOTS of fuel left (enough to get back to kerbin after a landing, i'm pretty sure of it...) Instead, why don't we go to Ike! After a short burn, Ike is closing in! Some more burns, and more circularizing... If you somehow forgot your landing legs, the engine can still do the job... Is it me or the rocket seems ready to tip over? Also.. notice the fuel left... I think Jeb is pretty happy about how tings turned out! Yup. Theses rocks looks like the lunar one you saw last time Jeb... Goodbye, trusty 2nd stage! Space really is beautiful! OK, this seems about right for a landing... Another look a Duna, but from upclose! After 106 days, Jeb seems happy to get ready for impact! I just tipped over a little... at least this makes for a decent base, right? Don't worry Jeb, someone will come for you... one day! Here goes my 2nd trip to Duna and my first successful landing on both Ike and Duna. Rescue mission should be underway shortly... Edit: about Gilly, i had the same problem, my ship just went boom (and Bill too, then i quickloaded to try with a ship...) after sinking up to the capsule... also, i got this surprise when i entered gilly's SoI...:
  8. Yeah! Managed to rendez-vous after some more tries. I took only 1 man capsules and went to the moon (so plane change is less of an energy sink, and also for the lolz...) Here, some screenshots, everything was done without maths. I just took 1h30 to get to that point... [spoiler=] [spoiler=] [spoiler=] Thanks guys! I hope that i'll get good enough that when dockig will be implemented i will be able to RV faster
  9. Thanks for all your tips, i will try later with smaller craft (i had 2 3 man orbiters... pretty heavy stuff if you ask me)
  10. When they added persistance, Harvester also added more pilots then jeb bill and bob, and the only way to make sure it doesnt run out was to randomly generate them from a list of prefix and suffix. Funny fact: there is some name that will sound very alike. Got egbard and cogbard in the same cockpit once!
  11. Yeah. I am aware of the KGSS... very helpful indeed. But what i am looking for ia a way to do it "by skills" and not with tables or calculus. I understand it is a lot harder, but that's why i consider it a challenge
  12. The problem i had is that the other shipe was in a swing motion (going foward, then backwards, then foward...)
  13. Yesterday i tried to do rendez vous for the first time and, as an added challenge, i tried doing it without mods or any kind of maths. I went 650m from the goal, but i was able to transfer the 2 capitains with the eva pack... What i did: 1. Align both planes 2. Try and align both periapsis (they were circular orbits tho) 3. At the periapsis, burn a little to get a slightly bigger orbit (my target was behind) 4. Wait around 100 orbits (very slight increase indeed...) 5. EVA the kerbals! The problem i have is that, when the 2 ships met up 500m apart, i wasn't able to close the gap. So my question is this: how can you get them closer once you are within render distance?
  14. Really nice tutorial. I didn\'t learn anything new, since i just worked my way into wikipedia articles about space flight. A 15 mins tutorial would have saved me some time... Keep it up! really needed!
  15. Since we will see ladders being implemented into 0.16, i feel i need to ask you a question: It seems, right now, we could attempt to make an elevator to put things into orbit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator 1. Do you think KSP should implement this someday somewhere (late development, or even a mod, i dunno) 2. In reality, space is full of junk and other debris, do you think it would be a good idea, in the real world, to build such a thing if it is to get destroyed by an orbiting bolt?
  16. Intended, they just dont care right now because it is more important to focus on bigger things than details like shadows
  17. PictoKong


    Makes me think about minecraft in minecraft (which is actually possible, but in 2D)
  18. Wow, just amazing... Did you control it on a keyboard or a joystick? Anyway, it\'s awsome
  19. From 90°, you can align your plane to minmus\' and then burn when there is a 90° angle between you and minmus Another way, if you got more fuel to spare, is to get to the right altitude at a 90° heading, then reversing your orbit (by burning retrograde long enough). WAtch out tho, you will get to minmus and will have a pretty fast speed..., My favorite is to slingshot with the mun, but that\'s another story...
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