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Lord Pachelbel

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  1. You should be fine doing this - crafts will reposition to the top of the scatters My landed crafts are repositioning themselves by flying into the air after exploding several of their parts. :_(
  2. I was using the 1.x version of Parallax until today when I uninstalled it and installed 2.0 (I do everything with CKAN). Now every time I load a landed vessel, it's partly collided with the terrain which causes those parts to explode while the rest of the ship flies up into the air.
  3. War of the Worlds Image source (2560x1440): https://i.imgur.com/EKu5oyi.jpg And if anyone's interested, you can download the craft from my KerbalX page: https://kerbalx.com/LordPachelbel/War-of-the-Worlds
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