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Everything posted by Okhin

  1. You can empty the tanks in the VAB, it will be reflected on the CoM display there. Don't forget to refill them before launch though. I had my share of craft with empty tanks on the pad because I wanted to be sure I maintained alignment with some empty tanks.
  2. Instead of bringing your wheels out, you can try to aim for a more trapezoidal shape. Keep the front wheel as is, it helps to turn, but widen the rear wheels. Also, maybe tilt them a little bit on the car axis, to win a little bit more of ground surface (in which case you do not want them to steer)
  3. I'm not using pitch / yaw / roll controls for rover. I've mapped wheel acceleration and wheel steering to my numeric pad on my keyboard. that way I do not move the mass of the vehicle when turning, just the wheel. A SAS module definitely helps. Building wide cars with low CoM is also very helpful.
  4. That's what you got in the Archive tab of the R&D view, right ? Or am I missing something ?
  5. Also, there will be remote places for which having a portal might not be worth it (how much does those costs ?) Or in too much political tension that having one there might get people angry (and then, you have a fleet of angry people through your portal right on top of your home sector, sure you can do the same but it's weird, right ?). So there will be place for which you'll need a spaceship. And portal builder ships. Like in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. You need actual ship to send the portal building stuff at the newest portal destination. And it's going to take time to get there. Basically, exploration (and war I guess) requires spaceships, even with portals. For everything else ? Freight carriers and spaceliner, slow, reliable, mass produced, owned by cartels of companies to carry stuff through the portals and from the portals to the ground.
  6. Okhin

    KSP's next sequel

    KSP: The prequel Ever wondered about building the Kerbal Space Center ? Now, in a new city building game, you can create the best infrastructure to actually build and launch rocket to space. With rescue mission when things goes BOOM. And a lot of pad reconstruction when they go KABOOM. I guess.
  7. The last thing I googled ? Yikes, it's been ages. Probably an interrupt code for some realt time c++ programming. The last thing I searched on internet, is the list of Paris Mayor. So I guess I have control over Paris somehow and I can use it to fight against zombies. I'm OK I guess
  8. Well, it's all about multiplexing. I mean, we have high res TV on hertzian broadband in Paris, like 4k streaming on 27 channels (and more if you pay for it I guess) to each house. TV Satelite network broadcast their shows in big cities too. In HD. And there's a lot of them, and it works. Still one way, I know.
  9. Well, here in France there was some technical leaglities around abuses of GPL in those boxes, that were settled by the fact that the boxes were the property of the ISP, meaning that users of the ISP were not buyers of the software and therefore could not ask to access the source code of the modification made to the linux kernel. Since then, there's always a monthly fee for the modem, you're supposed to send it back to them when you change your provider and you should technically be able to refuse the modem and use your own (I'm not sure you can do it easily with optic fiber, I did not try and I've seen no such case). The monthly fee is usually under 1e, and never displayed on your bill since it's part of the package, so you don't see it. Does not mean you don't pay it. Also, depending on your local laws and regulations things can change accordingly.
  10. I always forgot how cheap internet is here (I pay 40euros a month for fiber access with 135 Mb/s on download). However, one thing that does seems cheap with this starlink thing in the setup cost. The cost you pay to have the network being brought to your home. To have fiber optics brought to your home here, it's around 200e. Since it's a somewhat competitive market, some operators don't actually makes you pay for it, but they;re the exception, not the rule. And that's when you're in a dense urban area where optic fiber is just lying around nearby your home. If you live in a slightly remote area (or in some poor suburbs as I do), you're out of luck (or you were until recently) and can't have access to fast internet (the network infrastructure is saturated here, ADSL speed supposed to be at 20Mbps frequently dropped under 2Mbps). And if you're further away from the city, you might have to pay for one or two kilometers long trenches to connect your houses to fiber optics. So the satellite dishes rig at 350$ seems more reasonable. And it's a bit cheaper than other internet by satellites operators (NordNet, Eutelsat, and the likes) setup costs. Also, those "free" modem and boxes you got with your internet access ? They're not free, usually they're rented, included in your monthly payment, and you don't own them. So, all things considered, Starlink beta does not seems that expensive. It's not cheap, granted, but it's not highly expensive.
  11. You're missing socializing spaces for it to be a town. Before that, it's still an over-engineered fuel station. Or a village maybe (but even then, there's social spaces).
  12. Or over engineered fuel stations.
  13. Don't apologize, you did not hurt me in any way And your english is fine, don't worry about that either.
  14. I'm not defined by my sickness, but by what I do. And when you're depressed, you're not doing anything. So you basically stop existing. I can't be depression. But it's a part of what I am, the same way any other chronic disease and pain is part of what people suffering from these are. Some are walking in clutches, some needs to take daily drugs, some might kill themselves without much of a warning. It's a daily struggle, there's good days and years, and there's bad ones, but still, a struggle. I'm better now than six month ago. But maybe in the ext year I'll be back in that highly depressed state. Maybe I'll be better. I can't know that's what this disease is. But, that's not the case of all depressions, some are not chronic and you can actually recover from it, and be someone different after that. Sorry if it's a bit gloomy, but that's the reality of it. There's some treatment that makes it manageable, and it gets better with time. But it can also get way worse.
  15. No, I don't think so. First, using your hand and your body to build tangible things does not use the same areas of your brains than solving an engineering puzzle (ie build stuff in games). Also, you can't easily just look at it, or put it on your desk and be able to see that you actually did something and gets satisfaction from it. You can't give it to friends either, which can give another kind of satisfaction. You can't fight depression alone. There's a mechanical part about it that makes you unable to solve the issue by yourself. And a professional will not mutilate your own reasoning. If you feel their doing that, you should change of therapist, they're not supposed to do that. Mostly they help you reflect on your issues, and they (mentally) hold your hand when your facing bad stuff in a controlled environment. Which is better than facing them by yourself in an uncontrolled environment. I'm serious about that, you can't get through it alone. And it's not because you do not have the strength or anything like it. It's the nature of depression. I'll probably never be. Depression is a chronic disease. But I'm learning to live with it, not just surviving. I do not like framing things as a war, but I understand it comes fro a good place and intention so thanks. And yes, there's a lot of people struggling with depression and other mental illnesses. It always helps to know it's not just you, it's the disease. And that it happens to thers too.
  16. I've spent most of my career recovering from burn out and going back into them. It sucks, and it is painful. The sense of dread and the loss of taste for anything usually takes root from a lack of recognition. What you do does not matter it seems. From that, I've been to the point where I wanted to kill myself, because living was too much of a burden. For me and my friends, at least that's how I perceived things. And friends telling me otherwise was just, from my twisted perception, a lie they told to hide the fact that it was not, and something that made me feel more as a burden than anything else. I really think being burned out and being depressed are the same thing now that I think of it. The worst part of it is the apathy which removes you from any agency (as a character in a badly designed game). What worked for me was therapy. But there might be some step you can do to help fight this apathy. This is what worked for me, I cannot guarantee it will work for you. Also, I'm not a trained psychologist so a little bit a criticism in what I might suggest is warranted. Get some sleep. You'll need energy to fight the circular thought from your brain, and sleep is the way to get it. At least seven hours, non interrupted, per twenty four hours. Sleeping can be hard if you only have brain stimulating activities (such as video games), because your mind wants to go to rest, but your body is still jumpy on energy. If you're sleeping a lot (more than twelve hours a day, everyday), then you're probably not having a sleep of good quality. Reduce caffeine intake. It is can set you in an anxious state quite fast. I cannot count the times where I was hit by panic attack induced by caffeine. Also you're trying to have some good quality sleep. About sleep, you need to do only two things in your bed : sex and sleep. That will train your brain that when you're into your bed, you're going to sleep, not watch movies or what not. And it will makes your sleep easier. Go outside. Not for the sake of breathing, but for a specific intent: drain your body of its energy. Whether it is by running, riding your bike, boxing, or whatever, you need some physical activity, and you need to do it until it hurts. Then you need to push through it. You need that for the endorphin release which needs to calm your brain. Also it will makes it easier to sleep. Real friends will try to help you at some point, and they won't know how to do it, which can be awkward and makes it hard for both of you to manage. So seeking for them might not be the best idea. However, telling them about the fact that you're going through some bad times and that you do not know what they could do to help you is something you should tell them. Not necessarily in person, text messaging systems are good for that. Shutdown notifications everywhere. They're bad for your mind who's starving for a sense of recognition, the notifications of your apps feed on that (you can get on whatever website you want. Just shutdown those pesky notifications which keeps your brain in short term loops). Build something. Anything. For me, it was 3d printing things and writing small novels. It can be drawing, pottery, knitting, a bird's house, anything really. Something you can make with your hands and which will exists after the process of creation. Seek professional help. I'm serious about it. It is a sometime painful project, because you will need to try several psychiatrists before finding one that suits you, and there's a lot of different one out there, but you might need professional help that your friends can't give you. What I know does not work : Meditate. It's even counter indicated in the cases of depression and burn out. Alcohol. Even if being drunk does help, the hangover is a severe depressant which makes matter worse. Believe me, I tried self medicating with alcohol. Did not really work. Other drugs might help though, I'm not a THC expert however but there's a lot of literature about drugs and depression out there. So if you think it's your way of managing things, fine, try it. Doing what others people told you to do. Including everything above those lines. It's what helped me, it can or cannot work for you. But in any way, you're currently in a bad place and you might not be able to see it yet, but there's some possibility of getting out of it. I'm not there yet (and it's been a fight for the last ten years), but it gets better. And I think it's worth the fight and the pain.
  17. It's not because you're immortal than you necessarily have the time to do things. I do not see why your lives would be less busy because yo're immortal. Sure, you might have a longer time to spend on a hobby of you, meaning that, if they're no time imperative, you could effectively spend two thousands years perfecting the art of pottery. But when you broke a tea cup, you need to replace it (or maybe fix it), and you need to do it in a short time span. Because you want tea now, or tomorrow, not in two thousands years. And if you're not busy during your immortality, then there's a chance you're getting bored. And death won't come naturally to you, since you're immortal. So you might decide that, at some point, being immortal sucks and you'd rather kill yourself. Or maintain a busy and entertaining life (but then, at some point, you might reach the point where what entertains you is totally loveed up). I mean, read some vampires story, they never end well :p So definitely buy. PS: Ok, except for pottery. I spend the last two thousand years on perfecting the art of pottery, maybe I can make my own and not buy it.
  18. There's no such thing as an innocent space probe.
  19. Well, iirc, the reason why Moon is a moon is because the rotation's barycentre of Moon and Earth around each other is still inside Earth (not by much, but still). And yes, maybe that definition is tailor made to consider the Moon as a satellite of Earth, but it works :p
  20. Well, there will be bugs. https://hownot2code.com/2016/11/28/why-software-will-never-be-bugless/
  21. You can use Action Groups axis for that, and link the max-RPM of the rotor to the Wheel Throttle Axis. Or to the Main Throttle. Don't forget to set the torque on max. You would need to set one half of the rotors on counter clockwise rotation, and to add some hinge for direction (map them to the Steer Wheel Axis). However, you will need to add something on parts to protect them from impact. The grip pad seems perfect for that, and exists, in fact, for this exact reason. However, what you do not have with the rotor is differential speed (the wheel inside the curve rotating a bit slower than the one outside of the curve), traction control (but you could play with torque) or friction control (so either your wheel will slip, or they will stick on the ground). So, you can have "close enough" systems with rotors, but you won't have exactly the same control as you have for wheels (but I think the wheel system is really weird in KSP)
  22. Wow, that would require a bump in infrastructure to transmit all that, have the CPU power needed to analyze it in real time (OK, in cold real time) and to store it. Even if it's just a temporary storage before being consolidated in neuron network. You'll need to store it somehow. That's probably the biggest issue in the AI overlord scenarii. They would require an insane build up in infrastructure. Which requires humans to build and maintain it. Which requires some food and basic level of happiness (to maintain productivity), which you can probably generates through entertainment with creative directors and streaming website sending a bunch of similar media bits to people. But needs more infrastructure and more happy people. Now that I think of it, maybe we _already_ ave an AI overlord hidden somewhere inside the silicon valley, pushing decision making for 5g deployment, pushing for streaming services for everyone, pushing for the creation of crazy big datacenters, pushing for the exploitation of countries for their rare earth and cheap menial workforce, selling us devices to serve us and spy on us. Or maybe we just have a bunch of greedy people seizing the power for themselves. I don't even know how to differentiate the two possibilities from one another now.
  23. Have spent months on trying to even reproduce a bug (and sometimes, you think you did, but no, you did not. It's close enough, but it's another bug you found. Yeah. More work.). Often to realize that I need to rewrite that function that's use everywhere else in a code base of thousands and thousands of line of code, which, in turn, would require a hell lot of testing. And potentially creates new bugs, some might be even worse than the one I was working one. So I flag it as non crictical, and adds a TODO item to the "thing to keep in mind for next code refactoring". And yes, we have a bug. But it's that or ten or hundred of other potential bugs. AND IT IS FRUSTRATING AS love. Because you solved nothing. And spent days of works on it. And then there's hundred of other bugs to hunt for. Reproduce, understand, hope their not involving a critical part of the architectures. And everyone complains about that single bug that you can't fix because you might be an idiot some times. And then people wonders why did I quit computer science after twenty years of similar issues.
  24. Well, anyone who wants to be in charge of a system that no one cares about can do so pretty easily. Also, cameras, as many captor, are failible systems which can breaks. Or be oriented away from what's happening. Or simply be shut down. All of those excuses are very hard to differentiate when you look at the incident. You could check the logs, to try and see if there's a shutdown command issued at some points, but you would not be able to differentiate a disconnected / reconnected battery from a failure in the battery for instance. There's _always_ a way to temper with instruments. Always. And tempering or an actual failure are hard to distinguish. Which helps people to hide their malicious intents. And detecting intent is one thing we suck at, and at which AI can't really be better than us. So I cannot really see how an AI, or anyone, could benefit from body cam on public figures. Or anyone else. Palpatine would probably haven't change a thing. His body camera would have issues, and people would have issues around him when it happens, but linking the two of them would be the proof of a deranged and paranoid mind, who's after palpatine to destroy him because he's trying to do the right thing. And you should ask Padme why her camera shut down sometimes too, after all, she's crooked too. See ? No change at all in Palpatine story
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