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  1. Hopefully this isn't too silly, but I am adding a vessel to the orbital assembly space. It has the (D) to indicate the vessel can be docked when created, but when I click on the vessel in the assembly space, the options to choose where the vessel will be docked upon construction do not appear. Any ideas?
  2. I also usually install manually as well, turned out to be my issue here. Uninstalled and reinstalled everything with CKAN, and we're all set. Thanks! Verified working in 1.8.1.
  3. Sorry for the late reply, but correct, I could not find the HX parts at all. I suppose I'll have another look at my dependencies. Not the most experienced at modding KSP, as you can tell.
  4. Hmmm... I was so desperate to get HX working I reinstalled 1.8 from scratch and tried again with ONLY that mod and its dependencies... The rest of B9 worked, but not the HX package.
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