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Everything posted by GEPEG_Unconscious

  1. I think the engines would have blown up before even getting close canceling out the craft's horizontal velocity relative to the sun. Nodens is quite close to Granuus (2.5 million km vs Kerbin's 12.5 million or so) so orbital velocities are a lot higher there. I do wonder if any of the planetary bodies have a mohole like Moho. Does the mohole show up on an altimetry SCANSAT map of Moho? If so, that could be an easy way to find out. Toutatis. Definitely Toutatis. Sucellus can wait a long while. I'm glad you're liking the screenshots. Some tips on storylines or mission reports that I am finding out: keep each mission goal on the simple side. Everyone wants to do long colonization missions to every planet, but it is too easy to get bored or bogged down in those save. For this save, I wanted to do more than just land quickly and plant a flag, so I'm bringing some sort of surface transport to see what @OhioBob has created. There won't be any building of large bases. In fact, the only places likely to get a surface base of any sort would be Brovo, Belisama, and Epona. To me, these goals seem achievable will still being something to push for. I feel like I should add a map or something of the solar system since I throw planet names around a lot...
  2. Destination Caireen: The Game plays Dirty Valentina, Bob, and Spaghetti return home, but exactly how is not a pleasant story to tell Long post ahead. Lots to talk about. Very emotional. So good stuff: I figured out KS3P configs and make a .cfg file that KS3P pulls every time it starts. Most of the screenshots moving forward will have the effects applied (there is one exception, which should be in the next mission report update). If people like the look and want it for their own game around red suns, I may put up a download. Now the bad stuff, the return home: TL;DR - Solar panels arms got displaced weirdly. I-beams clip over both docking ports, causing clipping collisions when undocked. So we are in a predicament. I need to un-dock the hab temporarily. All three NTVs around Caireen have about 1/3 their fuel, and my plan for this mission was to transfer all fuel to one NTV and use that one to propel the hab home. The crew have plenty of life support between their hab and the station to stay awhile and wait for a replacement NTV, but I really want to move on with exploring the system. In the end, I gave into weakness. I enabled infinite fuel from the cheat menu. I can already hear the chants about burning me at the stake. But the way I see it is that I have the resources available to make this part of the mission work, but the game did me dirty and prevented me from doing so. Infinite fuel will only be on during the NTV burns, and the other two NTVs will be de-orbited to consider them consumed. Still, I really don't like that this is what it came down to. It makes me real angry that this happened in-game (dang Kraken jumbling up all the parts). The alternative would have been to send another Orca Mk 3 with no payload. Once in Caireen orbit, it would rendezvous with the two other NTVs, take on their fuel, then dock with the station and use that an an improvised hab to get the crew home. However, as I said, I was ready to move on to another planet, and I only want one large interplanetary mission going on at one time. Alright, I've said my piece. Let's see the crew's flight home. (Still angry about this). And so ends the first interplanetary mission in the Grannus System. The last part definitely did not go as planned, but the rest of it went quite smoothly. The next targets should be a lot easier. And when we return to Sucellus, we will do so without any cheats during the entire mission to prove our mission architecture would have worked this time too. Bonus: Fate of the cursed ship:
  3. Destination Caireen: Caireen Surface Exploration Daylight's wasting, let's go look around! Bob and Spaghetti setting up science experiments at the lip of a crater. The rest of the inner solar system is arrayed behind them. Quick little detour into mod talking: Onto the main feature: Caireen surface ops. And there is Caireen. There is one last biome we did not hit, the poles. We aren't going to make a stop there on this mission, but a future mission to Sucellus may make a detour there. Now begins the journey home.
  4. I haven't tracked one specifically yet, but there are two bands of unknown and untracked objects in my save. One is distributed around Sucellus and the other around Cernunnos.
  5. Destination Caireen: A Light Touchdown Valentina Kerman deftly lands the crew between their rover and its landing platform So today's the day. No more sitting around in orbit, time to put things onto Caireen and see what there is to be seen. Onward! We haven't tried landing anything before, so the rover will be set down first. It will help gauge the difficulty of landing, and if we lose it, the biggest loss to the mission is our science capabilites. With the rover safely on the surface, it's time for the crew to head down Everything is down safely, so next time we can explore what Caireen has to show.
  6. See that's the problem: I have a Mk1-3 and the large RC Probe Core, but both require 2 pilots. I only have one on this mission. Oh Taranis, how tough it will be. I'm honestly quite impressed that you managed to do it with all stock parts. That is quite the noteworthy achievement. I was actually in the middle of this mission when you give Ohiobob the science defs so I don't have it installed for Caireen, but future missions will showcase them.
  7. I really like what Sci-Fi VE has done to the system. I either loved or hated the looks of the planets in AKR. AKR Jool was one of the ones i was not a fan of, but the Sci-Fi Enhancements make it much better. Can't wait to see what the other planets look like too.
  8. Destination Caireen: Brighter Days The crew, out of contact with home, prepare to brake into Caireen orbit We are at the point in my small stockpile of pictures where I decided to throw in KS3P to make everything look that much better. Some thoughts on KS3P are here: Onward to the mission. Today the crew arrives at Caireen, and some of our exisitng craft get shuffled around in preparation for surface ops. The other two NTVs still have their payloads attached. I wanted to set their orbits while the crew were transfering between Sucellus and Caireen, but that comm outage delayed everything until after I got the crew situated. And that is all I got. Next up, getting our feet dusty on Caireen's surface.
  9. That sounds like an interesting setup. Can you show me a pic or two? The upcoming posts should alleviate some of my complaints about only getting dark-side pics however.
  10. Destination Caireen: Noodly Recruits The crew standing in front of a mock-up of their lander And we are back. This time with some actual kerbal shenanigans. The crew gets picked and trained, and then it will be time to stuff them in a can for the voyage into the dark. Lets meet the team, shall we: We do give our crews some minimal training round these parts. Its hard to convince kerbals to drive around on new worlds when they were forced into a can for the first time just days prior. And shortly after they land, we are going to send them back up for a long time. It might be quick, and it might be just their second time in orbit, but they can all say that it ain't their first rodeo, and that's all we care about. And that's all for preparations. Very soon we will be touching down on Caireen and seeing what it is all about.
  11. Destination Caireen: First Arrivals Station NTV performing its braking burn to enter the Sucellus System We stick with the two craft we have enroute to Caireen today. By the end of this, enroute becomes onsite. First up, Station Arrival at Caireen: Rover Arrival at Caireen: All the necessary preparations for crew landings are ready. Now we just need to send the crew. We may need to hire them first though, and possibly train them. That would be the sensible thing, but who has time to be sensible in life.
  12. Well now, we can't expect you to remember everything that needs to be looked at for everything you make. I will try and get something listed on Github later.
  13. I'll be honest, I'm hoping this writing these mission reports helps keep me motivated. More often than not I stop playing for a time and when I come back I just restart. It helps having goals that aren't "colonize EVERY planet". Tried that once or twice. Never got passed landing on Minmus.
  14. Destination Caireen: Deja Vu Today's mission is sponsored by Comm Outages: If its worth sending a probe, its worth sending a second to replace the first when you lose it. An Orca Mk 2 NTV waiting for its transfer window So as hinted at above, 2 payloads and 2 NTVs were launched and docked together, but only one is on the way to Caireen. The first NTV was performing its departure burn above the one side of Nodens that does not have a Comm tower in range and my polar comm sat was on the other side of the planet. As a result, the burn was not shut down at the appropriate time. Instead of a quick transfer to Sucellus and Caireen, it became the Space Program's first interstellar object. I guess we are starting the interstellar ambassador program before we start the interplanetary exploration program. Below we can see the launch, assembly, and departure of the successful NTV. For anyone interested, here are a couple bloopers from the first Orca Mk 2 NTV Coming Soon: Orbital Insertions and Crew Launches
  15. Destination Caireen: First Flights The upper stage of a Typhoon class launcher burning into the morning with its payload. I started this save right when GEP updated to include three new planetary bodies - a planet that orbits inside Noden's orbit, a dwarf planet that sits between Nodens and the gas giant Sirona, and a moon of that dwarf planet. The planet that is inside Noden's orbit is meant to be a relatively easy destination to get to. A person in the right state of mind would have gone there first if they wanted to check out the new planets first. But I was not in that mindstate when I planned this mission, as our first destination is Caireen, moon of the dwarf planet Sucellus. The mission's goal was simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying send a station, send a rover, find a crew, find a ship, start flying. Step 1: Build a station. Step 1.5: Send a station One payload down, two to go.
  16. Introductions: Hi all. My name is GEPEG_Unconscious. The posts I put here are records of adventures I have touring the Grannus system. Hope you all enjoy them. An overview of the Grannus System based on the Tracking Station numerous gravitational and visual observations About the system: Grannus is a red dwarf that orbits the outer reaches of the Ciro system in Galileo's Planet Pack. GEP was created by @OhioBob to give players who completed the titanic task of exploring all of the Ciro system another place to go. GEP can also be configured to be the primary solar system of a save. The Grannus system is not easy in either form. The home planet in the GEP_Primary setup is the second third planet from Grannus, but its orbit is 2.5 million km from the star, so dV values are much higher than stock. Until recently, the next closest planet took about 3600 m/s of dV just for a flyby. Other challenges in the system include a non-equatorial space center, a planet well below 1 million km from Grannus, and inclinations for all planets. In short, the system has all the twists and challenges expected from a Team Galileo planet pack. Version 1.1.0 added 3 planetary bodies to the system, bring the total to 14 planetary bodies, of which 13 can be landed on. While this is only slightly less than the stock system, the Grannus system feels small, which is something I really like about it. About this save: This save started in version 1.7.3, and I will most likely keep it there and has since been brought up to 1.8.1. I would call this save a "career lite" mode. I wanted to have kerbals level up, collect science, and getting World's First Milestones, but I also wanted to skip passed the early game, as that is something I have done multiple times before and find quite tedious. This save is about exploring planets, not testing parts on the launch pad for funds. As such, I'm allowing myself some usage of the f12 menu to boost funds when I need to. I know playing in science mode would give me a similar experience, but I think all kerbals start at max experience and you do not get the milestones. I like having those two to give myself a sense of achievement while I play. As this is a save about exploring planets, my goal is to do more than just land long enough to put a flag on the surface. A lot of these planets have unique features I want to see close up. A the very least I want to find a nice scenic vista to plant some Breaking Ground experiments. Bringing a rover everywhere is going to add even more complexity to missions, but at least Bon Voyage is usable once the rover is down on the planet. Speaking of mods... Mod List (full): TL:DR: Parts: Restock, Restock+, SSPXR, Kerbal Atomics, DMagic Sciences Utilities: KAC, KER, Bon Voyage, SCANSat Life Support: Snacks Visuals: EVE, Scatterer, KS3P I might be showing some symptoms of Nertea Fever, but all their parts are too beautiful not to use. Kerbal Atomics gets a special mention here. With the higher dV requirements, I find those engines very necessary to get any significant payloads to interplanetary destinations. I want to give props to user @darwinpatrick, who has done flags and footprints mission to every planet in this system using stock parts only. His missions can be found on the GEP post here. I like SCANsat for the maps it makes. I will probably upload those here for those who want to view them. Snacks gives me another parameter in mission planning, though not as big as I thought, which is good. Scatterer does not have its water effects activated as a) I want to play at a reasonable framerate and b) only Nodens has water. To those of you following along, here is the extent of exploration so far: And if you like rosters, here is one of the few brave souls undertaking this journey: Closing Notes, Post Updates: This is long enough already, but for however few (or many) people read these posts, you'll be happy to know I have a small stockpile of images ready to share. Some mods, like KS3P, were added after I started making this stockpile, so it may be a couple posts before their effects are seen. I will probably create one new post a day while I have this stockpile. After that, it will be updated when I have time. Being a full time student and working full time really maxes out your available time, who knew?
  17. All alone in the night, but the first of many.
  18. Was there ever a Github issue logged for this? I noticed similar issues when I used a Bagel inflatable centrifuge and came across this. I glanced through the issues log but did not see anthing related, nor did I see any mention of fixes in recent changelogs. Below are a few pictures I grabbed of kerbal placements in a full Bagel centrifuge. This save is in 1.7.3. Also, it has been said before, but IVAs for all these models are brilliantly done. I know it was a pain, but looking at all the posters and computer screens while taking these pictures was really fun. Thank you for all of the work put into these parts.
  19. Good to know. Getting the default result that begins with "error" was a little concerning until I dug into the configs.
  20. I have a quick question about the added functionality to the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner. It looks like it was given a science def that gives you the type of surface resource distribution applied to the planet. Any planet not in the stock or JNSQ system will need their own science defs written for this experiment, correct? Otherwise, the def will read off the default result? Additionally, does the scanner do anything else with the planetary classification?
  21. Some highlights from a mapping mission to Toutatis in the Grannus system: It's nice having a planet in this system that you can send decent payload fractions using only chemical rockets. Most of the others require something with much higher efficiency.
  22. Finished season 4 of The Expanse this week. Wanted to make a scene inspired by one of my favorite points of the intro: I do believe the scene is only in the first two seasons, but it's still the one I think of whenever I hear the intro music.
  23. All good things to know. Thanks all! One last thing to play with: quoting.
  24. Well, it seems HTML is very much not the way to go, so the other format it is. Spoiling the fun:
  25. That's good to know, thank you. Let's see what a picture looks like. Imgur's BBcode: HTML: <a href="https://imgur.com/gOfQyZd"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/gOfQyZd.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> Never done picture posting before, so I do not know which format is preferred here.
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