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  1. It‘s a completely different design. The solar panels are attached to the cone on Soviet craft, on Wentian and Mengtian they have arms and attached to some metal frames. The metal frames have a smaller diameter, a cone-shaped adapter saves weight and provide some space for retracted solar panels, so they don't exceed the fairings during launch. Seems like this picture were wrongly translated. The socalled "unpressurised cargo module" is actually a 气闸舱(EVA hatch) ,and the control module is actually a 资源舱(Resource module), the hatch is on the bottom of the hatch module.
  2. I hope building spacecraft in real life is as easy as you said, put this part on that part like playing ksp xD
  3. I'm tired of it. Before every launch we evacuate villagers away from landing area, except first mission of CZ-3B, which was a huge failure, NOBODY on the ground was killed by rockets lauched from XSLC, but you guys just keep PRETENDING not to know. [snip] What is certain is that we will ignore your prejudice and focus on our job. We've been doing that from nothing, to ICBM, to manned spaceflight, to moon, to GNSS, to space station and mars exploration, and we will never stop.
  4. XSLC is about to launch a CZ-3B, send the Beidou-3 G2 to GEO, which is the second last Beidou navigation satellite. One more satellite launche will complete the 3rd generation BeiHou system by May 2020. Translation: Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Recovery of First Stage and Evacuation of the Masses Dear Villagers: According to Notice from superior department, XSLC is about to launch a satellite on 2020/3/9 19:55 (GMT+8), our Tangjiafang village is in the first stage landing area. In order to successfully complete the recovery and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, the notice is as follows: 1. A meeting of village leaders should be held before March 7, do publicize and make sure everyone know the launch. 2. No sleeping or gathering during launch, evacuate to a designated place. 3. Once the debri is found, call town government immediately (tel numbers). Avoid touching and causing poisoning. Tangjiafang Town Committee of the CPC People's Government of Tangjiafang Town March 6, 2020
  5. As a Chinese happened to see this topic, I want to share some facts few people knows. Before every launch mission from XSLC TSLC and JSLC, residents of fall areas will be evacuated to safe areas by the government. No injuries have occurred so far according to https://baike.baidu.com/item/火箭一级残骸主落区 Residents with damaged homes receive high compensation, in fact some villagers hope their house to get crashed so they can build a newer and bigger one. Meanwhile contorlled re-entry is being developed, last year a modified CZ-2C launched from XSLC with 4 grid fins on its 1st stage landed accurately on scheduled landing point in Guizhou province. http://scitech.people.com.cn/n1/2019/0729/c1007-31262054.html Beacause CALT(China Academy of Launch vehicle technology, Chinese call them 航天一院, First Academy of Spaceflight) is now concerntrating on heavy launch vehicle(CZ-9 with12 YF-480s when take-off and Project 921 with 21 YF-100Ks) to throw some big stuffs into LTO and MTO, and new gen kerosene-powered CZ rockets will all be launched from WSLC(where debris will fall into pacific ocean), reusable rocket is not a top priority.
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