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  1. Is there a way to scale the SpaceX pack to Kerbal size? I've read through these forums seeing all the recommendations of manually changing the scale for each part, and I have created a module manager patch that applies TweakScale to all parts, but I'm having doubts and issues. Now, the doubts I am having now after reading all the advice is about how the parts are balanced. I had already thought that the amount of fuel and the thrust seemed rather low, but it gets to orbit without issues so I didn't think too much of it. Is that normal or are they supposed to be rescaled without changing these numbers? The issue I am having is with rescaling the Falcon landing legs. Tweakscale can only rescale them after lowering them, and as soon as you activate the animation again they go back to full size. Changing the scale or rescale factor, as well as adding an X,Y,Z scale in the .cfg file does nothing, and even editing the .mu in blender didn't work. I tried making the whole thing smaller and then I also tried making the individual meshes smaller, which I think should lead to a messed up animation and deployed state, but a smaller size in the beginning. I then re-imported the files into blender to make sure the edits were properly applied and exported, renamed the model inside the .mu and removed the original .cfg and .mu from the GameData folder to prevent them from being loaded. For both edits, I also used the "apply" function in blender to make sure the new scale was considered 1,1,1. Still, the part was full size, only rescalable with TweakScale after playing the animation, and also rescaled to full size when going to 50% and back to 100% in-game with TweakScale. I also tried removing the leg from the MM patch again to see if that helps with applying the edited scale. I also tried using different modules for the animation, as I have SSTU installed which comes with another generic animation module as well as a "hab inflate" module, which were both able to play the animation, both made it possible to rescale before playing it (but still only in-game, changing the scale in the .cfg or in the .mu still did nothing), but when playing the animation, it still went back to full size. I also tried only having the SpaceX Launchers Pack and Tweakscale installed, and then only having the Launchers Pack installed, to no avail. I should also add that the F9 Demo leg has the same issue, although I didn't edit the .mu there because I don't actually want to rescale it. If anyone knows how I can get this leg rescaled or knows anything I could still try to get it rescaled, it would be greatly appreciated. As of now I can only fly a Falcon with landing legs that is taller than a Saturn V...
  2. This isn't exactly a patch for stock KSP, but it also isn't specific to any mod and it doesn't hurt to have. All it does is fix the RCS effects for RCS parts that were created for versions before 1.4. Without this patch, those parts have a huge cloud going in the opposite direction as their thrust, and no audio. With it, they have standard audio and FX. It does not influence newer RCS parts. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleRCS]]:FINAL { %MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @name = ModuleRCSFX } %EFFECTS { running { AUDIO_MULTI_POOL { channel = Ship transformName = RCSthruster clip = sound_rocket_mini volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.02 0.1 volume = 0.5 0.1 volume = 1.0 0.1 pitch = 0.0 0.75 pitch = 1.0 1.5 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small transformName = RCSthruster emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.1 0.0 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0.0 0.8 speed = 1.0 1.0 localRotation = -90, 0, 0 } } } }
  3. This thread is almost two years old, but in case anybody comes across this while searching for a solution as they want to use older mods that haven't adapted this, I'll leave this here: I have created a module manager patch that fixes all "old" RCS parts without changing anything about their actual RCS thrust or changing any "new" RCS parts. You can download it here. Just put it anywhere in your GameData folder, I recommend creating an extra folder called "RCS Fix" or "Patches" or something.
  4. I hope someone can help me with this issue: I am trying to get Jeast's Canadarm to work with IR Next on KSP 1.4.2, using v3.0.0. The mod has the Canadarm consisting of six individual parts and I basically had to redo the robotics parameters. But, for some reason, for the shoulder (which rotates the entire arm) and for the wrist (the first of two wrist parts, this one controls wrist pitch) the attached parts aren't moving with them. I tried changing the pointers, even to the same axis as the rotation when nothing else worked, and I tried messing around with changing the fixed and moving meshes. For the shoulder, I managed to get the arm to rotate, if the base is the fixed mesh and there is no moving mesh. However, this means that there is a bit of clipping because the "shoulder" mesh that the arm attaches to doesn't rotate with it. This wouldn't be a big issue, but the wrist is a bigger issue. Even if I can achieve the same thing there, it's kind of important that the wrist itself moves to. I have uploaded my progress so far here. I also want to add that when grabbing either the shoulder part or the wrist part in the VAB, the attached parts also don't follow it. I don't know if that's relevant, but it made me think there could be a more general issue with the attachment, not just the robotics. But I wouldn't know how to fix it if that's the case. I know it's a lot to ask some nice person who reads this to have a look at this, but I don't know much about modding or programming in general, and I honestly have no idea what I could try next. Let me know if I should upload some screenshots to showcase the issue.
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