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  1. GuessingEveryDay's post in FPS dies shortly after launch. was marked as the answer   
    I was fooling around with mods, when all of the sudden, I accidentally clicked on Trajectories' button (you can see what it looks like in the videos), and all of the sudden, everything turned 60 FPS!  My god, I never had KSP look this smooth. So the problem seems to be with Trajectories' calculations. Which is bad as I need that for my re-entry calculations. Until then, my eyes thank you. Will close this one and raise the issue on the Trajectories' thread. Thank you, everyone.
  2. GuessingEveryDay's post in [Solved] Part Highlighting gets aggressive. was marked as the answer   
    Ooh! It's working! Just put Part Highlighting Brightness to 0%, and the problem disappears. The transparent background loading still persists, but it's not as bad anymore.
  3. GuessingEveryDay's post in [SOLVED] Why are the collider's weird?! was marked as the answer   
    Yay, problem solved! Just had to look carefully for the sneaky MiniAVCs hiding, and a clean install, but now my JNSQ race is gone...
  4. GuessingEveryDay's post in [SOLVED] KSP freezes after few minutes of inactivity was marked as the answer   
    Now it is working, Skype and Discord are murderers. Just have to remember to shut down all that isn't essential, or KSP.
  5. GuessingEveryDay's post in [Solved] KSP crashes on launch. Outdated driver was marked as the answer   
    Everything is back to normal! Turns out I just had to wait for the next driver update, and everything's fine! Thank you for so much help. I hope this thread will help others too. Probably a bit much though...
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