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Everything posted by Starhelperdude

  1. I've encountered the same problem some time ago, the problem was that I used Kopernicus 1.7.3 in 1.8.1 and it was stuck on the expansions too Can you show your Gamedata Folder or check if some mods aren't compatible with each other?
  2. Hahaha Millenials! I, Karren McKarrister know the truth about kerbin! Kerbin has a Radius of 599km!!! The Government told you that the Radius is 600km! Don't you see all these lies?! Also, you can buy anti-600km kerbin merch at my shop: unusablelinkdonttryititisajoke,coom and buy anti-atmosphere masks at: Itoldyouthisdoesntworkifanyonethinksthisworksthenthepersonmaybeahuman,coom
  3. banned for not using ALL MODS IN EXISTENCE IN ONE SAFE in 1.11.1
  4. Expression of dissagreement @Panzerbeard *random stuff about you please coming here* also, I apologize if I annoyed you because of my mentioning of you
  5. I would say yes, it's smooth and without the problems that KIS has, but KIS has some things from what I would think would never appear in the stock system
  6. you've mixed them up: KIS is Kerbal Inventory System, Kas is Kerbal Attachment System I would like just a combi of KIS and the stock inventory system, with the better parts of both of them
  7. my grandparents once made sauerkraut the whole house, including the lower part where they weren't cooking, smelled like that
  8. only if you injest them with uraniumhydrazineoxygenethanol, this will make them strong plants (like grow very good, don't die because of something,...) What does Unsymmetrical Dimethylhidrazine spelled backwards mean in ''Uganda Language''? ''Do you know da rockat fual''?
  9. KAS is cool, imagine KAS but using the stock inventory system/ -combined with kis system system
  10. pls never try ''sauerkraut'', it's what you get if you combine rotten fish with farts (IMO)
  11. 6/10 Forum Games and there is one person with nearly the same profile whith who I often mix you two up (my english is bad)
  12. banned for telling me information that I didn't know (lol)
  13. may the 29th january be with you, @Kip Supernova
  14. Banned for showing over your location that you have 5 posts but in reality you have more
  15. I'm thankful that I wrote a 2 on the exam and I'm thankful that I'm alive
  16. Sady no @GermanExile please come from your exile to us!
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