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  1. Is there a config option somewhere to not have Gravity Turn deploy fairings? Or, preferably, only deploy fairings as they are stacked in the staging? Thanks in advance.
  2. Apologies for the resurrection, but I thought this might save someone a few cycles of frustration. I spent a lot of time debugging performance issues, and it turns out that one mod in particular was responsible for my problem: Trajectories. In the dialog for that mod, they warn you if you are having performance issues, turn on caching in the settings for the trajectory mod. Took me from <20 fps back to 120. I am a big fan of the mod, but the difference in performance was staggering.
  3. I accept that. However, in the above case, the root part is in Stage2. I do not know of any way where I can pre-define what the new root part of Stage3a will be once it is disconnected from the main root part of Stage2. And if I put the root part in Stage3a, then I am in the same boat when it comes to launching Stage3b, because I will have launched the root part as a piece of Stage3a. (sorry for the duplicate post.)
  4. Sure, but AFAIK, I cannot have multiple root parts. So the root part of the entire original ship is the Octo2 control pod in Stage2. You can think of this question then, as "How can I pre-designate what the root part of Stage3a will be when it disconnects from the main root part of the entire ship in Stage2?"
  5. I am having a problem where when my ship decouples a spent fairing, the KSP engine decides that the decoupled fairing is the ship, and the rest of the probe is a new entity that I must switch to from the tracking station. I need to decouple from Stage2 before deploying Fairing1a, and I want to continue to be able to later control Stage2 (which has multiple Stage-3 probes.) Stage2 and each Stage3 have Control Pods (Octo2's) Stage2 || DeCoupler1a || Fairing1a || DeCoupler2a || Stage 3a Stage2 || Stage2 || DeCoupler1b || Fairing1b || DeCoupler2b || Stage 3b Here's what is happening: I pilot the ship to the point where I want to deploy Stage3a. I fire DeCoupler1a. This leaves the "Active Ship" as Stage2, with Fairing1a and above moving away as a new, separate entity. I go to the tracking station, and switch to the new entity. I activate the Fairing1a, and Stage3a is exposed. I fire DeCoupler2. This leaves the "Active Ship" as the Fairing1a and spent Decoupler2a. Stage3a is now moving away as a new separate entity. The only controllable entities (Stage2 and Stage3a) are not active, and instead the "Active Ship" is a couple of dead parts with no control pods. I go to the tracking station, and switch to the Stage3a entity, and activate its engine. I would rather not end up in control of the fairing stage after DeCoupler2 fires, and avoid the extra trip to the tracking station. So how does KSP decide which half of a ship to "stay with" when a decoupler fires? During ascent, I don't have to revert to the tracking station to not follow the spent engine and tank from (the unshown) Stage1. How can I make KSP follow the same algorithm when discarding the fairing? Thanks in advance. p.s. If you're wondering, the Decoupler1's are there because if you fire Fairing1a when it is in close proximity to Fairing1b, then both Stage3's end up being hit by the fairing debris, and their instruments end up damaged.
  6. Sorry, I must clearly be doing something wrong. I get my payload into orbit, get the 'Release Payload' option, select it, and then it goes straight to the 'no recordings found' page, without giving me the option to save. I have made sure that my root-part is on the non-payload side of the coupler. What am I missing? Thanks in advance. For future Reference: Not only does your root node need to be on the Non-Payload side, but so too does your Control Part. If you release payload, and your control node is on the payload side of the coupler, you get the behavior I described.
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