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Everything posted by Rylos

  1. Excellent Mod! It seems to argue with the Physics range extender mod a little, when launching and on re-entry. It doesn't crash the game, or keep it from flying like the flying brick it is though. Still learning how to land a flying brick, a bit of a learning curve guess. Thank you for your time and effort
  2. Thank you very much for taking on what I can only imagine to be a coders nightmare. The new version works without errors or glitches as far as I can tell. I am running 2 instances of KSP and it works on both, 1.9.1, and 1.10.0! Thanks again for all your hours of work!
  3. Thank You! Best Mod for making stable aircraft, I use it throughout the process to get the Col in the right place! Thanks again!
  4. Thanks for all your hard work coding! Can't wait for Ckan to update it. Thears
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