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Everything posted by Fusek

  1. My apologies if anybody is offended by my post, but I just had to get it out of my system. I\'ve been playing this game since day 1 (well, day 3 to be exact) and I love it, but I can\'t stand to visit the forum for longer than it takes me to check for a new release or new parts. I find the amount of crap on the rest of the forum off-putting, and approaching Minecraftesque levels (this is a bad thing IMHO). /rant over & back to my corner
  2. Bbecause people are fed up with being force-fed this Pony bovine excrement on a gameforum about building and flying rockets. Thats why.
  3. Well, whats the worst thing that can happen? Just back your game up
  4. Congrats! Any idea on how many actual players that could be? I imagine a lot of us have downloaded it several times.
  5. I like the idea of having 50's style parts, it fits with the game very well!May I request a sort of glass dome with seats as a crew module?
  6. Hi! You can find more parts in the Addon section of the forum.
  7. And bandwith, which isnt really on premium at the moment I believe. :
  8. Maybe we can have a little contest to see who can predict the date 100.000 downloads have been breached. As a reward maybe have name of the winner somewhere in the game? I say the 21st of July
  9. Many developers make a game to make money.I get the feeling you guys make this game because of the game ,with the eventual money as a bonus. That makes all the difference!
  10. I have a little request, that I would unironicly wear on a t-shirt: We all know the stupid Wolf shirts some people like to wear. Would anybody be interested in making a image like that, but with our Kerbalnauts (Bill & Bob freaking out of course) with the planet Kerbal as the moon background? I would buy this shirt to support the devs
  11. Jeb: Deal with it 8) I should finally buy that SA account...
  12. Im glad I'm one of those first 20.000. Wasnt it downloaded 5000 times just two days ago? I imagine 50.000 is just around the corner
  13. +1 on the loading screen suggestion, it captures the feeling of the game just perfectly, down do Jebediah's crazed smile (we need Kerbals as smileys!) Also, thanks for the new wallpaper
  14. Thanks for the patch, this will be cool! After a few quick tests it seems that loading a ship will freeze the game. Could the parts I've added could be the culprit?
  15. I want to thank you for your great modules Sunday Punch! But I must say that the more toys I can play with, the harder this game gets! I can ahrdly get a rocket into orbit anymore Great stuff.
  16. Looks like you guys got off to a pretty Kerbalesque start! ;D
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