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Minmus Taster

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Status Updates posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Hot take: You guys have no right to complain about KSP2. Potato's really don't make for good PCs you guys :rolleyes:

    My new Portal 2 "it's not much but it's mine" potato PC. This is a triumph.  : r/pcmasterrace

    (this was a joke of course)

  2. Have I ever tried doing this before? I have no idea. Well hello world, I am what is commonly called a "nerd" and this is my natural habitat.

  3. Oh hey there :valhappy:

    I'm probably never going to do this again so...uh...yeah.

    Keep scrolling fine soldier, I'm sure you'll find something interesting!

  4. This is a test and as such I will not say anything important.


    Which is kinda sus ngl.

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