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Everything posted by golkaidakhaana

  1. Any clue on how this could be fixed? I've just switched to using SVE instead, which doesn't work for me at all, so I'd rather just go back to using EVE, provided I could actually land on Eve without freezing.
  2. Recently installed EVE, realised it didn't visually satisfy me enough (and attempting to land on Eve or enter Jool's atmosphere would freeze my game) so I uninstalled it and instead opted for SVE. I installed it as stated, but atmospheric planets when viewed from the surface have completely black skies, from map view they look unchanged, apart from having seemingly thicker atmospheres, and Jool's rings are just a grey solid-coloured disc. Here's my mod folder: http://i.imgur.com/EYxZSDp.png Edit: Because the main SVE folder and the SVE textures folder are both named StockVisualEnhancements, I was forced to rename the texture folder to SVE_MedResTextures to prevent them from merging.
  3. Never mind my other post, just me being stupid, but I have a massive list of installed mods, of which I suspect one might be conflicting with EVE, and for some reason whenever I'm around ~11km above Eve's surface, my game stops responding, it doesn't crash, just freezes indefinitely until I close it. Anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
  4. Anyone have any idea why this topic doesn't show up AT ALL in the forum search, and I have to Google search it?
  5. Hi, anyone know what mod is conflicting with Probesplus to prevent me from changing the textures on all the probe cores? I've tried seeing which of my mods is conflicting, but I couldn't find which one(s), and am hoping if someone knows of a list of incompatabilities with this mod. DMagic, Kopernicus, Near Future Solar, Near Future Electrical (Plus decaying RTGs), General Nuclear Reprocessors, Orbital Decay, Station Parts Expansion and OPM. These can all be found at kerbal.curseforge.com .
  6. Might there be a download link to the previous version somewhere? I'm still waiting for a few mods to update to 1.3 so for now I'm downloading any new mods as 1.2.
  7. Ok, I am seriously stupid. Turns out I totally neglected to remember that every time I reinstall KSP, it reinstalls as 1.3 rather than 1.2.2. Please ignore my idiocy / ignorance.
  8. Yep, I've spent about an hour checking and thinking, everything is correct, and it absolutely should work.
  9. Simply put, despite me following the instructions EXACTLY, with ModuleManager 2.7.5, Modular Flight Integrator and Kopernicus, along with the latest KSS release in KSP 1.2.2, I can't get the mod to work, it simply doesn't show up in KSP. I'm using a completely new install of KSP without mods. Also, I installed the mod exactly as stated about 3 weeks ago and it worked perfectly.
  10. Much appreciated guys, Modular fuel tanks was the mod I was thinking of. Edit- It was the mod I was THINKING of, but I find configurable containers more useful.
  11. Any idea what mod(s) matches my description?
  12. I absolutely, for the life of me, cannot find the mod that allows you to fill fuel tanks with any other fuel. I don't know if more than 1 mod can do this, so if so then just link me the most relevant / best one, it'd be much appreciated.
  13. Hi, when I right-click on an object panel and display its' tooltip in the editor, some have their info cut off with a scroll bar to the side. I've searched on Google and I absolutely haven't got a clue on how to scroll the tooltip up/down. Any idea on how to do so? Example (note scroll bar at right):
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