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Everything posted by JIMMY_the_DOG

  1. Hola! I'm having a really bad time with AVP, scatterer, and EVE. I have tried everything I know, including deleting Kopernicus+OPM (where this all started.......) and even going to do a fresh install. So, the problem is that the clouds are inverse and black at and the sky is white at the nighttime side of Kerbin and the terminator is blue... also Jool and the other atmospheric planets look very strange. KSP.log- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVD8N3pVjtjPhhPnIhb3rxRTDh2UYXjB/view?usp=sharing Photos: https://ibb.co/Z2smQrK https://ibb.co/HtTMJBD https://ibb.co/r2KsGx7 Thanks SOOO much for your help, I have been trying to fix this for more than a week. P.S. I also have the bug with C.K.A.N...
  2. @jimmymcgoochie yep, I did already do that with no luck. Scatterer still worked but didnt fix the issue.
  3. Hello all I'm having really bad trouble with AVP, scatterer, etc. I have tried everything I know, including deleting Kopernicus+OPM (where this all started.......) So, the trouble is that the clouds are inverse and black and the sky is white at the night side of Kerbin and the terminator is blue... also Jool and the other planets look very strange. KSP.log- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVD8N3pVjtjPhhPnIhb3rxRTDh2UYXjB/view?usp=sharing Photos- https://ibb.co/Z2smQrK https://ibb.co/HtTMJBD https://ibb.co/r2KsGx7 Thanks SOOO much for your help, I have been trying to fix this for 3 days now.
  4. So then that means it is possible to go the speed of light, you just have to not have mass, which is a stunt that isnt in the rulebook...
  5. what makes light so special that it can go the speed of light? And also pink might be blue to you, but you've been taught that that's called blue all of your life so you wouldn't think "Huh, why's the sky pink?" (or with any other 2 colors)
  6. This ain't SubNautica, but yeah that would be cool
  7. I guess I am a maniac on duna @Jebediah Kerman?
  8. not until they get to orbit, and need the heat protection
  9. Download SSPX and make some ripped-and-very-overbuilt space station! Huh, you could even call it that...!
  10. Not to steal @James Kerman's biscuit but he's a moderator so he may not always have time, you can always message me! 1. KSP is very realistic, and KSP can really teach you something about orbital mechanics! 2. It is very, must I say very, rewarding when you get into orbit for the first time/land on the Mun/land on rover on Duna, and you and your friends could have something to talk about when you all meet up! 3. Replications-although you can always make your own rockets, KSP has some special parts to replicate real life missions, and the thrill of doing exactly what happened in real life! I could go on, but these are some good things to tell your friends! Good luck!
  11. I want more comms. systems. it has the least amount of parts in all of the groups (IIRC...) and it's something that would really work well with KSP.
  12. jimm-ee-theh-dawg You can thank my cousin's dog's name, as I didn't really have any other users!
  13. He's too busy with his patients. @Bruh
  14. That sounds like something KSP 2 would incorporate, not KSP 1..
  15. Well, i did just that but its almost like its working(?) the landing leg flips between parallax ground and real ground. Thoughts?
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