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Everything posted by vv3k70r

  1. You are chaning COM in the atmosphere and this last stage is not the most flyable object. Ist here any purpouse of liquid fuel engine in first stage? Meybe try to use only one liquid fuel engine and detach tanks? First stage of boosters only? And ignition of liquid fuel on the top of the atmosphere? Even around periapsis? Boosters are dirt cheap to power in comparision to liquid fuel expandable stage.
  2. Congratulations! It's should be enoug especialy if You exit in such a path to touch Keribn atmosphere for breaking. Stairs to heaven? A ladder meybe? Bigger props - lower rpm?
  3. Fuel to the reactors is limited. If we put our hands on resource it is depleted quite fast. Already there are more rectors under construction that we can supply with fuel. It is for free but it is not unlimited. It is why fussion plants are developed - they using another resource but also limited. over a hundred years ago whales were hunted for fuel and tehere were plenty of them, but this mine also get depleted. We mine fast, we gonna faster.
  4. Propably because of simplified physics of one and only celestial body afecting the vessel. But I use nodes to predict what could happen, where and how long burn can take. Yesterday I killed Jeb testing how far can get rcs backpack on da Mun.
  5. It was cheapest avilable solution for the tech I had. Axis aligned RCS have no pourpose - on most of my vesels I put now only one ring of thrusters to dock. It is enough. Drag for landing vesel (it has only to deorbit) is not an issue - it has to brake from orbital speed. Most of my curent vesels have single pair of control surfaces - there is no need for more. This rocket dosent fly up with deorbiter - it dock it in orbit only to get down. Rocket fly on its own. When I build it I had a problem with pinpoint landing from orbit - this issue dosent exist today. So the whole idea was to dock wings to the rocket for landing and I found how can I use docking port. The whole procedure is not complicated, but now I see it unnecessary as heat shields on Kerbin (engine nozzles are good enough). I dont bring wings to space any longer. I do not get point about fuel - rocket will come back from space almost empty. Just anough to touch the atmosphere periapsis. It will afect COM. Best solution I found is not to do this. But on the begining I didnt know its stupid. There is no reason to do this better, just dont do that. After testing it works I never use it, I learn how to pinpoint land. There is more issues with docking ports - Yesterday I found that by pressing it against grafity and undocking give unexpected burst kind a cannon.
  6. By manipulating insertion time with a slight inclination to da Mun. The point where You get int the gravity will decide Your inclination. For higher inclination its easier to start from KSC to the west and insert on the front of da Mun. You can get same result by folowing Mun on a huge circular orbit. But generaly it is cheaper to get any reasonable high insertion and then alter it by manouver normal/antinormal.
  7. I've learned that shuttle dosent have any economical sens. It is cheaper to land a "drop pod" and it is not difficoult to pinpoint landing on KSC property. On the other hand there is no reason to take wing to space. Comsats on invaded planets (if I send there swarm of kerbonauts, outposts, rovers, landers, and plant flag to state that its mine, my own it looks like an invasion) are not necessary - there be so much scrap with antena on the orbit that there is no need for three additional comsats. Do not try to cheat Your customer building an ordered outpost from older vessels - if they want a new one thay mean it. Take more fuel not for manouvers but to refuel someone flying to the next celestial body. When the job is done we can reuse vehicles because there is nothing like technical problem of using same engine or whatever again and again without refubrishing. One engine for one ship and boosters to the edge of space (just because on plain game there is no reasonable way to reuse them) - decoupling fuel from the top of the rocket. 20monoprop is more than enoug for docking. Simplest solar panels are best solution - just cover Your vesel in reasonable amount. Antena and extended solar panel helps eyeball docking. More air inlet helps engine work on altitude, more wings bring it there. Bigger wings - easier landing. Helicopters with tail rotor without controller works, it just take a time to learn controls for pinpoint landing.
  8. If You balance vessel corectly it will do the almost turn on its own. But usefull cargo to the tech we have always cause the problem so we fly as we do on the engines that we have. In fact it is easier to manouver this way. Manouver nodes are help tools with some aproximation - if You test them on the edge of values (like touching gravity well of celestial body) You will find that You just dont get there even if few days before You had an icon that states You do.
  9. There is a lot of missions in career about building outpost. Can there be added icon for marking outpost/colony?
  10. And when You place it on landing site both are conected. What we see is wrong, because if You remove this port (and so it would not be connected) it dosent fly. So - it is conected. I do not state questions why, how - it works. Thats it = job done. I was suspicious it shouldnt work reasoning same way as You, but I test it and i was wrong. I gues there is some threshold in placing that cover part conection. It generates kraken if You move part (wheels) apart so they touch some "soft" conection (like wing). Tresholds generrate Kraken. It is common problem in aproximation for cad/cam in inustrial aplication.
  11. Of course I'm building it in VAB/SPH - eherever else can I build? I have example of vehicle direct from SPH on steam worskop - it didnt work with one port. It is why I came with a second one to see if it will do. And it does. As cosequence I did decopled it on orbit and coupled back to see if it gonna wokr. And i does. I had same concerns as You (because of same reason), but I put it to the test. It works.
  12. The issue is that plasma behaviour cannot be predicted now in real time and thus the magnetic force cannot be reasonably aplied (just to the spot) to prevent interaction with parts. That is the main reason of bad EROEI. So as far we have engine that get burned during work and it get really fast. We had same problem with jet engines on the early days and figured aout how to solve it (first demonstration engines works max 8h, and first usefull aplication max 20h) and we gonna do the same with fusion - it would just take "some" scientific efforts, more plasma research for models and cpu that handle the model in real time. It is one of many reason quantum calculators are build. Dont worry - we gonna get there, we did this before in smaller scale with weaker source. Obviously stars works and we gonna have them home^^
  13. Difraction and nonelastic scatering prevent any material (because of wavelength determine the atomic positions) in terms of atoms (build of core and electrons) from such use (atoms are simply to big for such a 100% lens/mirror). But there are other materials that are slighty "smaller" (like positronium) or "denser" (hyperatoms) that could propably lead to a slightly better results (but we have obvious issues with them) but not in near future. In simplest way - such a mirror need to have higher "temperature" (temperature in such an object is energy aprox taken from motion, not something measurable directly) than the beam itself so it can transfer its energy back. But for the aplication You like the big sphere (of aluminium, berilium, lithium, tungsten acording to specyfication) around the source would do the job if the sphere size give its energy disipation higher than gain from source. It means big, heavy sphere reducing TWR.
  14. Attach docking ports or decoplers on the ends, add a fueltank (slighty bigger then rover) and engine on one end, put rest of the fuel on the fron, set fuel lines, add struts and land it as normal rocket detaching top fuel tank in fuel priority on top so at the end You gonna have a rover falling in lowG from a top of braking/landing engine.
  15. Servo under docking port - when You attach one rotate the ship. You can force the aligment by other construction parts against tanks itselfs - You can bind them to side docks and they gonna stick cocertly whatever the direction in right hemisphere. Samller the craft, or more docking ports would force the aligment easier like a zipper. No. Yes You can, here is axample I'm using: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2282142667
  16. Atmosphere helps capsule to align corectly. So if You touch the atmosphere with LEO speed falling down is guaranted. Vector in the atmosphere from such an orbit and such engines have chance to not be significant to orbital velocity to cause suicide angle. It kill speed in low dense atm before it burns. Whatever direction You burn the engines there is slighty chance to higher Your orbital velocity on LEO so You get to touch with atmosphere anyway in some point of the not enough circular orbit. When You dock to many spacecrafts (for example very long chain of refueling ship to get asigment on fuel number done) together SAS would not help - it will only makie it wobling so You gonna do all this corections and manouvers by hand. Good design = You can control spacecraft manualy and kind of stabile it by shifting COM and trust. It comes with practice. Then You gonna realize that orbital drift of such a monstrosity is a significant factor. Navball is all You need to navigate - kill rotationQE, than other factors. After some practice there is no need an SAS to fly.
  17. Dock them from parts in orbit. TWR has its limits on given tech. For ascend on boosters You can use cheapest fins - they will burn when You get so high that they would be no longer usefull.
  18. I set docking port on the exuast of the engine on my first satelites (to stack them together) and realised they explode just after I start the engine when free from the mothership. They are still there on clumsy orbit with one antena and one diche each. I send armada to Minmus with comsat pack ahead and forgot to deploy antena on this craft only. After over a week of mission I realised that I have no control over the first ship to arive (and to establish comnet) so it took next week to get it back in comnet on the free return trajectory.
  19. I had similiar plan to make polar sats but after playing a bit I realised that specific communication satelites dosent have much sens. For refueling on orbit goes crafts anyway and if they have diches, simplest solar and battery they do the job anyway and after a while there be a swarm of them whatever the trajectory. Of course there is a lot fun setting satelites on specyfic keo and sync them, but other vehicles do the job anyway.
  20. Because of engines in Kerbal never fail so You can build a whole base as it shold be on the ground (with smaller tanks around as landing legs with landing legs for touchdown) with the engine under to land (same engine to start from Kerbin). Stack fuel tanks on top of the rocket and stage them from the top to bottom (just not in the direction You are accelerating) so at the end You will end up with base only and fuel to land using one engine for a whole mission (and some strapped boosters to help it get from launch pad). Dont forget fuel lines. It works in Kerbal - engins never fail, they work every time, they dosent have any expected time to failure so why stack more engines?
  21. Yes. You can connect motors to thrust or pithch or whatever You like even without controller. I sugest to build wheels from construction parts like crates - they tolerate mosts. (I didnt have grip pads on this level, but it would be better) Here is the example of my big foot on very low tech in steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2270322233 To control directions I conecting numbers to breakes for each side and revers to each side. Gliding is an issue but its a lot fun to drive it. But this engines eat fuel and electric motors are far away in tech so the solution for Da Mun is to use reaction wheels instead of motors. They are extremly ovepowered in game and consumes neglectible energy. It works in Kerbal: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2279218224
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