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Naeth Kerman

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Everything posted by Naeth Kerman

  1. There have been many people with the exact same question, honestly we don't know
  2. Alright, so this bug has persisted for a while and now I cant seem to avoid it. KSP: 1.11.2 Windows 64bit Problem: Water's surface mesh clumped into a large cuboid over the KSC Mods installed: Scatterer 0.0825b Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux 1.11.51 Spectra 1.5.0 Reproduction steps: Load a save, once you get in, the camera should be placed inside the oscillating cube. Note: You can see the abomination at the launchpad and runway. As I launched a rocket from the launchpad, it looks really weird as you get higher. The water is still where it is supposed to be, but it's invisible.
  3. Been researching VASIMR engines and found that it can take Hydrogen as well. Wondering if you could add that in, or somebody has or could make a config for that. Also, is there a way for System Heat to be compatible with NFP? Looked into some of the engines and noticed some created a significant amount of heat. No need for this, but it would make the engines seem more realistic.
  4. Would recommend OPM (Outer Planets Mod). Adds Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto analogs to the original stock system.
  5. " Forgetting ladders " " Using the wrong engine " " "Accidentally" killing kerbals " " Skinny dipping on Laythe " " Forgetting kerbals " " Burning way too late " " Skimming the KSP Forums " " Working out incompatible mods " (if any mods are installed)
  6. I've been thinking... it would be a part that is just a normal Kane RCS, but instead of straight roll thrusters, they could be at a 45* angle. That way they could be used on landers, like the LM Shelter/Truck or things like that. To use it with the Decent stage it could have the option to have a bare-bones mount that would fit on the sides of the stage.
  7. FYI, The discord link has expired. Really looking forward to downloading!
  8. Don't know if this has been brought up but I had found this a while ago: Modified launch vehicle /mlv/ saturn v improvement study composite summary report - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
  9. The 6x S-1C mount would have four F-1s on the outside (like regular Saturn) but have two F-1s in the middle instead of one (not sure if this is true, but if I remember correctly, it is)
  10. Just wondering, are stretched S-IC and S-II tanks planned? As well as 6x S-IC and 7x S-II engine mounts.
  11. You can use a earlier version when the mk3 parts were with the mk4 parts. (You can look in releases on the GitHub Tundra Exploration page.)
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