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Everything posted by kerbalboi

  2. is there any way for me to disable system heat so i don't have to deal with loop temps?
  3. is there any way for me to disable system heat so i don't have to deal with loop temps?
  4. alright so i got kk to work but upon a restart everything erased itself, also last i heard truthful couldn't get his configs working
  5. damn that'd look great in knes, if well doesn't want to use them im sure someone else would
  6. the interstage is really weird with b9 so i just overwrited the cfg and the textures so im pretty sure thats intentional also to whoever i saw on ej's stream that used my mod bieg o7
  7. so parallax 2 and kk don't seem to like each other, can yall look into that? please i need my slc 6 back
  8. after i installed reborn again kk started not working, any idea on a fix?
  9. question, i installed the newest version and all of my kk stuff disappeared, any fix?
  10. could we at least have a optional patch for it to be at 90km?
  11. so for the next release will you guys add support for parallax 2.0 features?
  12. Ello! this is a little mod ello this is a mod that retextures Rodger's EUS from Kertemis program i hope you all will enjoy using this, if you have any questions or suggestions please ask! https://github.com/lsamman/Exploration-Recolor/releases/tag/Release
  13. for anyone wanting to use the eus with this sls here ya go! https://github.com/lsamman/Exploration-Recolor/releases/tag/Release
  14. very cool! this means i can release those eus textures now, github should go up soon and ill work on spacedock
  15. well what happened was, i made it, ask for permission to use all the textures, got permission from everyone, and now im just finishing up a few things and waiting for the sls to release
  16. well yes but he was talking about when it get into a actual release not just the github repo, benjee could explain better haha
  17. Wrong! this is a retexture of kertemis program's eus but i have pemission from benjee10 to release it as soon as the sls comes out on the main branch it is most literally kit bashed from sls textures
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