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Terminal Velocity

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Everything posted by Terminal Velocity

  1. FIRST!!! Also this mod I mean app looks cool I will try this out!!! Seems great for mod organizing
  2. Will the KSP Team please fix the problem with the maneuver node causing nullrefrenceexceptions in the log and also causes settings menu to softlock the game, cause right click menu become unfunctional, and causes FPS to drop. Also causes the green "progress" bar to not exist. Its real annoying.
  3. So i got this strange bug when using debug menu to cheat myself to duna (To test a lander) and this happened: (Game thinks im in every scene at once) Screenshot: Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AoK93F4aDDUr6RVwxxMQLF_8bbYt-VpJ/view?usp=sharing
  4. NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL "of course i still love you mod"!!! this causes the issue!!!!
  5. ok so KASA gave the go to deorbit the probe: Deorbit real explody: FIREWORKS!!!!
  6. I dont know which mod because I removed a lot at the same time. I guess just try to not to have too many mods?
  7. launch of ESLM mission it was 6 years to Jool. pictures from jool polar orbit: (I want you guys to tell me if i should deorbit the probe because i got the science already)
  8. it was a mod i fixed it without having to do these steps
  9. thats why i said A ksp update. also i heard you have a TUFX config can i have a download for that withOUT the rickroll?
  10. can we get a ksp 1.12 update for the new parts?? rotating docking ports??
  11. your welcome the kraken is a very annoying bug im glad for the addition of autostructs in a ksp update
  12. not related but can u fix nullreferenceexception when I create a maneuver node?
  13. I think a mod causes this but ever since the update, my loading screen would get stuck at "loading part upgrades?". Here's my log plz see if any mod broke something which is the probably the case as without my mods game works fine so I wanna remove ONLY the bug causing mod. Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14uqnp4GYtuILu4NxRL1UzoHAbqzATqQs/view?usp=sharing. Screenshot:
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