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An Amongus Sussy Player

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Everything posted by An Amongus Sussy Player

  1. Well Im talking about the Other Planet also you can name it "Stonis" Stick to one mod at a time, and dont step back if not absolutely necessary I did in the "What I dislike" Bad Idea tbh Not sure If realistic enough
  2. Ok Im going to be speaking the truth, It may be a little Harsh What I like : Sunspot Texture The Idea Gas Giant - Looks Ok - Mediocre What I Dislike : Coronae Resolution of Planet maps Keruun - Add details The Other Planet - Just Absurd to my taste, and could take improvements Gas Giant - Colors make me feel Uneasy, and the rings Overall There is Quite some room to Improve, I'm sure you'll do something about it, and my comments Help you develop better
  3. Yeah LoL you should really check out KHNS (in my signature) this update won't come till jan or at latest Feb
  4. That one was nice Sad to hear, I was actually waiting for 0.6x, But Its ok, I accept people have their own personal life and preferences. Good Luck for the Future. Hoping 0.6x will come out. Also If you want I may Make some releases and maybe maintain it. But I won't be able to start till around KSP2 release or at earliest February. And WOW this is good, is it in MapToGlobe?
  5. IMPORTANT KHNS Update : This mod is Now Under The Sussy Modding Inc.TM (My discord name is An Amongus Sussy Player) my mod branding to be specific
  6. KHNS Update Report (8/12/2021) New Icy Planet and Some Configs to be completed in today's time : Luyten an Icy Super Earth - Myke System (Now based off of the Illustrious Luyten's Star System) (Btw the Normal strength is Higher, but Atmo colors are same)
  7. @Poodmund An additional Resource MapToGlobe, To map your maps to sphere Without Loading in KSP : http://maptoglobe.com/
  8. KHNS Update Report : Configs for Leechi and Achieve are In ProgressTM Moons to be Done Before Release (I'm Losing Focus Due to Moons) EVE isn't the Priority When Building Planets Achieve In MaptoGlobe.com, Roximas System Icy World (Due to Plan Change) COMPLETE PLAN CHANGE FOR MYKE SYSTEM
  9. KHNS Preview Note - Everything is VERY Work In Progress But Complete Overhaul of Internal Plans + New SkyBox Coming No Plans Of Homeswitch YetTM
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