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  1. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i7-8700k | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 | RAM: 32 GB Severity: High Frequency: Happened twice once after switching to another Vessel in Mun Orbit and another time after switching to the Tracking Station and back. Description: I performed a normal Mun Mission with the Vessel provided below. After reaching Mun Orbit I EVA'ed two crew to the Lander and seperated from the Main Vessel. After performing a deorbit burn and Landing I planted a flag and than tookoff again. The first weird thing I noticed was, that the trajectory line in the map view of the Vessel was missing, after I set the Main Vessel as Target, the Indicator symbols started flickering in and out at times, the Trajecory line never showed up. As I tried to fix the Line not showing, by switching to the Main Craft and back, I noticed that I had lost all the Velocity I had and I started to fall straight back to the Surface. As I had enough Delta-V left, I fired the engine and accelerated back into a stable orbit. As I than saw, that the Trajectory line still was not showing I tried switching to the KSC and than the Tracking Station, when I had selected the Lander I saw, as can be seen in the Screenshot, the speed of the Vessel was 0 again, as I spawned into the Lander it again started to fall back to the surface. Quicksave_24 is the save, before it started with the losing of the velocity, the Trajectory line was at that point already missing. Quicksave_26 is the save which I made after the whole story. The save Day 26 is the save I made when I was still landed on the Mun. Included Attachments: Day26.json
  2. I tried to enter the other command pod (the one on the right in the picture, I came from the one on the left), but although the ui showed i would be able to board via the B key, I was not able to. What happens when I press the B key is that I let go of the hatch and fly away. To note, I was still able to enter the command pod I came from. Expected Behavior: I am able to board. Observed Behavior: I let go of the hatch and fly away. Steps to Replicate: Launch the correct vessel into an orbit. Take the Kerbal from the Tin Can, and EVA. Fly over to the other command pod and try to enter. Fixes / Workaround: Non that I am aware about. Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/U9Uh6iF Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/30ee03kdlfsg384xfjwkv/h?dl=0&rlkey=frw4fyjf7m7c4vusabhg5q60k Log: Included in the Craft file link. PC specs: OS: Windows 10 CPU: i7-8700K GPU: RTX 2070 RAM: 32GB Mods: No mods have been used. Keep up the great work! <3
  3. As said in the Title, after hitting the confirmation button to revert to the VAB, right after hitting the button the game froze and the staging which UI was flickering. (I forgot to take a screenshot. + I quited the game with Alt + F4). Expected Behavior: Game displays the loading screen and loads to the VAB. Observed Behavior: Game freezes and stays like it was, with the prompt to confirm the revert to VAB still open. Steps to Replicate: I couldn't reproduce either. Fixes / Workaround: Only happened once thus far. Pictures: None sadly. Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9eqxqoel9fhl6ng/AAA1ESyYJ3JvKSm52Oed4gQza?dl=0 (this was the one that was loaded before that happened). Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d475tzdlng6e7ck/AAAZDQA3vudBbXGgf9KtGB-Aa?dl=0 PC specs: OS: Windows 10 CPU: i7-8700K GPU: RTX 2070 RAM: 32GB Mods: No mods have been used. Keep up the great work! <3
  4. If you build ships you come across a bug which causes assemblies to just fall a part. It happened with other vehicles to, buy this is just an example. This is the payload section of an satellite launcher, as can be seen in the first picture in the VAB it all looks fine, but when I Launch it, it just all falls to the ground. I hope this helps, keep up the great work. (Picture taken before patch one, but bug still exists after patch one.) Expected Behavior: Satellites stay as they were assembled in the VAB. Observed Behavior: Satellites fall apart and won't stay attached to each other. Steps to Replicate: Take craft file and launch it. Fixes / Workaround: Put a strut on each part (Yea I know but that at least fixes it somehow). Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/asAClgp Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9eqxqoel9fhl6ng/AAA1ESyYJ3JvKSm52Oed4gQza?dl=0 PC specs: OS: Windows 10 CPU: i7-8700K GPU: RTX 2070 RAM: 32GB Mods: No mods have been used.
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