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Newgame space program

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Posts posted by Newgame space program

  1. https://steamdb.info/app/954850/charts/

    As you can see here after patch 3 and the steam summer sale playercount went back into the triple digits, while there has been a slight decline as of recently thats probably people taking a break waiting for more patches. Its pretty likely the playercount will remain stable at 200 to 300 players till the next patch because the decline is dissimilar to the post launch player decline as its not a steep downwards cliff, I think the reason that this patch was so effective was because unlike the previous two patches, major bugs were patched along with new content being added

  2. 2 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

    Thats along the lines of what I figured too. What they look like now looks like it took 5 min to put together and as I said before, perhaps they're sandbagging, which would be funny and I hope they get some good laughs





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    1 hour ago, Vl3d said:

    Still needs misty wind and atmospheric light scattering effects and a few true volumetric cloud layers.

    It also needs to be a diabloesquemmoGrandstrategymassivelymultiplayerlootboxRPGSpore as well with a DETAILED history of every single interaction every kerbal has ever had over billions of years and a peer reviewed paper on kerbal evolution!1!!!

    These are all things Ksp2 totally needs and I will uninstall and write a VISCIOUS criticism on the most important forum of discussion in human history, reddit if none of this is included  :cool:

  3. 5 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

    Almost 5.

    I did not know this, I thought that they started developing it in 2019, still my point stands, the average triple A title takes 3 to 5 years to develop and ksp2's small team is certainly not what an average triple A title has access to.

  4. On 10/28/2022 at 5:07 PM, Fullmetal Analyst said:

    how long until we can see an actual full release of KSP2? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years?

    this early access <insert generic swear word here> definitely isnt the release we were expecting for early 2023, there arent even any new features, its basically just a dumbed down version of ksp1 without science or anything... you are literally making people pay for alpha-testing your game instead of paying someone to test the game for you... thats not how it should work...

    how long are you going to take to add each of the topics in the mind map? i mean after 6 years of development all that stuff should be about finished and just need some polishing or am i wrong?

    can you please just stop trolling your fanbase and give us some facts?


    I covered this on another thread with you but in short when you consider the ambition and promises of the game (And then compare it to the size of the team) you soon realize that 3 years is much, much less time then they need to develop it, [snip] I don't know if you are aware of this but the typical triple A game takes 3 to 5 years to develop, the inititial release date of Ksp2 was an unrealistic promise that anyone could see would be retconned a mile away and most likely made in the first place because of publisher interference.

  5. On 10/28/2022 at 9:32 AM, Fullmetal Analyst said:

    hahaha now they are actually doing early access, so much for early 2023 release, what a joke! and they actually expect us to pay 50$ to beta test their game lol

    what a huge disappointment after all this wait time

    in that sense:




    Whats wrong with you, nearly every single place that I have seen you in has had you acting like some overweight jerk from GAMERGATE or some other toxic crap excrementsting on the game for really stupid reasons,  and now your comparing what will be a fairly polished (If incomplete) game to a beta test?? Every single one of your posts have proven a severe lack of empathy for the struggle that it is in the first place to make this game, seriously think about it.

    Among other things this games goal is

    1. Completely revamp the Kerbol system with volumetric clouds, new graphics, a dynamic tutorial system, revamped VAB, and more.

    2. On top of this add hundreds of new parts with unique new mechanics that require the coding of hundreds of unique systems to implement.

    3. Kill the flipping KRAKEN on top of all this

    4. Revamp the Kerbals themselves.

    5. Redo Maneuver node system, implement 2 body physics.

    6. Make 2 new handcrafted star systems with new bodies, some of which with orbital eccentricities that require the tailoring of the UI to make it relatively intuitive to land and deal with them.

    &. Perchistichrone trajectories.

    This is not even factoring the possibility however slim of animal life on Lapat, all of this done by a pretty small team working for a publisher with a reputation rivaling EA in the struggle it gives its developers.

    Have I mentioned that this extremely ambitious game has only been in development for 3 years?

    I'm expecting the development cycle to be similar to no mans sky, when it releases its disappointing but as more and more parts of the roadmap are made good on the game recovers.

  6. Has anyone noticed that in the zooming out scene the mouse accidently goes over an object and a readout appears? Its blurred but if someone can unblur the blur we may be able to learn something about the game that even the developers have not told us yet!

    11 hours ago, avalancha said:

    How crazy would it be if they actually reveal Kraken-like extra-kerbolar civilizations that become a late-game challenge because they actively hunt you and try to destroy your ships when you come too close to their home planets?!

    I mean... it would be 100% canon, the baby Kraken on Bop could be one of them trying a foray into the Kerbolar system

    I actually made a post about that idea.

  7. 21 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

    It is only 0.015 Earth masses.  You can't hold on to water vapor with that little mass. It's the driest known object. Even if you heated Earth's surface to boiling, it would still hold on to it's water vapor.

    Venus is more humid than Io, it's not the heat, it's the tiny mass


    It's surface temp averages -130 C.

    Also note that it's proximity to Jupiter means little without other large moons to tug on it.

    The proximity means it tidally locked faster. It also means eccentricity led to greater heating (as constant rotation speed doesn't mesh with varying angular rate of change in an eccentric orbit), but it's orbit isn't very eccentric at all anymore.

    Take away the other moons, and it would cool down.

    Increase its mass, and it would have kept water vapor/ice.

    Increase the mass of it and other moons, and maybe it could have liquid water

    Ah, thank you for clarifying.


  8. Io is not just too small to hold onto its water, its also too hot period because its too close to Jupiter, I need exact parameters for Laythe, not Io.

    On 4/6/2022 at 11:19 PM, KerikBalm said:

    Io lost all it's water because it's too small to hold on to water.

    That's not true for laythe.

    And the answer about bumping up eccentricity doesn't give specific parameters either and won't help the hellhole thing

    I know that upping the eccentricity is not exact parameters either and I apologize for not upholding that standard to JimmyMcGoochie's advice.

  9. On 4/4/2022 at 10:09 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:

    It would probably need an elliptical orbit to get proper tidal heating due to Jool’s gravity, much like Io’s volcanism is driven by its elliptical orbit of Jupiter. Interactions with Tylo would also be a factor, again similar to Jupiter’s major moons but Europa in particular as it’s closest to the planet-sized Ganymede. Vall’s influence will also be a factor, assuming you aren’t looking at n-body physics because any time Jool’s moons and n-body physics meet Vall gets yeeted straight out of Jool’s gravity well in barely any time at all.

    Move all three of those moons to orbits which are slightly eccentric, but with different arguments of periapsis so the distances between them are always varying, and you’ll get plenty of tidal heating. That’s where my physics knowledge ends, if you want to know what numbers to use you’ll need someone who actually understands such things.


  10. On 4/1/2022 at 11:23 AM, DrCHIVES said:

    I apologize if my post came across as me having doubts as to the state of the game.  This was not my intention.  I have nothing but extreme confidence in the ksp2 dev team!  They are some of the biggest ksp fans out there and it shows in their dev vlogs.  @Nate Simpson is a freaking beast and I get super giddy anytime he talks about the game whether it be in videos or here on the forums.  All my intentions were, was to point out that we might be waiting a little longer than 2022 based on information I received.  I just have been seeing everyone talk about 2022 and I guess I wanted to help out with the expectation management.  

    Don't worry man, I (and the other guys I think) understand now thanks to your clarification!

  11. Launched as a part of the Interplanetary Life Initiative (I.L.I) ExoLaythe is meant to search for life in the more tropical parts of Laythe, this has proven fruitful as among other discoveries life on Laythe has been confirmed following this mission, exciting the scientific community to no end.

    Data about the life.

    1. Only single celled organisms have been found.

    2.  These single celled organisms have not seen the advent of photosynthesis or ATP yet.

    3. These cells feed on carbon compounds from what it seems, suggesting an oxygenation event would devastate the biosphere.

    4. No we cannot send a team to genetically engineer some of these cells to kickstart Laythean evolution, that violates our Policy On Extraterrestrial Life P.O.E.L.

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