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Everything posted by lammatt

  1. planes are pretty odd now. while the stock aerodynamics are worse than FAR, the current FAR's drag model is kind of strange too, plane picks speed up way too quickly when descending(even when a very shallow descend) making landing crazily hard if your plane have large lifting surfaces. (just like their first iteration when 0.23.5 just came out)
  2. the worse part is... if you read the mission dialog, you would realize the said kerman was once an astronaut or engineer or whatever of the company who offered you the mission.
  3. true. my last rescue is done together with a test of the 2.5m decouple on escape trajectory and a test of the landing wheels on escape trajectory and a test of the mid-length SRB on escape trajectory.
  4. it is...indeed... but only when that said class A object isnt always at that almost the same low elevation and 0 deg inclination almost cyclic orbit. i mean... they should make the orbit of that kerman in the rescue mission more diverse...at least not always equatiorial, some significant inclination or eccentricity would be nice.
  5. it seems to me the drag is too weak in the lower atmosphere in this v0.14 not even planes dont slow down any bit when gliding, it picks speed up way too quickly when descending.
  6. i have only unlocked the first 4 nodes...(1st tier 5science and 3 2nd tier 15science) and i am finding the testing mission for the long SRB on escape trajectory pretty hard, since i havent even unlocked struts... and this mission is paying less than saving a random kerman at 110km 0deg inclination ----------------- now i have to sidetrack a bit and launch a ship to mun for some science before i can economically and safely complete that escape trajectory test for the SRB....
  7. (dont know about the latter ones, but) the early ones are way too easy for way too much gold, they are mostly equatorial and pretty close to kerbin; making them very easy when other contracts are giving no more than a couple thousands, these rescues are giving 10+ thousand in total each.
  8. Ion doesn't actually work (or at least I cant make it to) See... The asteroids stay in kerbin's soi for usually no more than a couple days, and weigh up to 2kt, you basically can't make it into a captured orbit with ion engines in a timely manner, you still want to use something with at least some meaningful thrust.
  9. I push. See.. the problem of lifting a long and heavy ship into orbit is actually harder than keeping the thrust lining with the center of mass imho. At least that's how I pushed my last 1650t asteroid. but I expect pulling would be great for smaller asteroids tho'
  10. Why didn't they add a feature like that? Doing contracts as the only way to get money is kind of lame. You know, NASA and space agencies of other countries are mainly funded by their governments anyways using their annual budget. (The mission extended mod has told us having to do contracts as the only way to get money doesnt actually work very well, every fail launch or even the slightest mistake will possibly lose you a lot of your money reserve, and it will be a long grind to climb back into a healthy bank account)
  11. If it turns out like the mission extended mod, You will inevitably be doing a lot of the easy missions to get enough money to do the more challenging ones.
  12. U dock it and then undock it, It will be disabled for a brief moment
  13. Never screenshot at night, unless you installed ambient light mod
  14. OMG... so now the whole thing is unfixable... o...that's about a hour of playtime....
  15. ha?too many? so it now hurts having more radiator? OMG... i took me ages to dock those.... in the thermal helper it says my raidiators are at 170GW
  16. persistent debris is not that bad, each debris is just counted as 1 part unless it's in the 2.5km rendering range.
  17. although space shuttle and spaceplanes look cool, there is a reason why space agencies abandoned them. when they are perfecting the technique for returning a capsule precisely to a landing site, the idea of gliding a plane back to a runway is getting redundant. (and shuttles are expensive to maintain) however... in KSP, it's pretty much a different story, when 1. looking cool are very important 2. dropping a capsule exacatly near the space center is actually harder than gliding a plane to the runway 3. building and flying a plane is more fun than rockets. i am expecting planes and shuttle being a lot more popular than rockets if the mission is happens within kerbin's SOI.
  18. when will the next patch arrive? six words! no other six words are more prohibited than these
  19. you can just add the few lines in the cfg files.
  20. lol i dont think i can edit the poll question
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