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Everything posted by Vspace

  1. I am behind you! @Poodmund I'm not a modder but I translate some mod for the French community. KSP2 in french is just like have the worst French translation! haha...
  2. i also upload in my fork, 3 files for update localisation. adding fr-fr in Stockalike, Trans-Neidon, OPM-Reconfig Let me know if you are interrested
  3. hi @Starstrider42 i commit in the Github a pull-request for the translation file fr-fr.cfg (French localization) Hope you like it!
  4. Done! I hope, I did the right thing on Github. Let me know if something wrong is was my first time on Github
  5. Hi @Poodmund i finaly (after many hours) finish the translation of OPM in French. Let me know if you want the fr-fr.cfg i think a lot of french player want this mod in french.
  6. Hey Snark, i have create a localisation fr-fr.cfg for people playing in french here the brut texte. Noting special but maybe some french player will appreciate. French Traduction ******************************************* Localization { fr-fr { // Labels displayed in the PAW showing what you can choose from. #SimpleFuelSwitch_resourceLabel = Ressource #SimpleFuelSwitch_fuelTypeLabel = Types de Carburant // Short display names for various resource combinations #SimpleFuelSwitch_LiquidFuelAndOxidizer = ELO #SimpleFuelSwitch_LiquidFuel = EL // Formats "primary info" display in the part info panel in the editor. // [0] is the label (e.g. fuelTypeLabel above). // [1] is the display name of the fuel option (e.g. "LFO" or whatever) // [2] is the quantity of resource involved. #SimpleFuelSwitch_primaryInfoFormat = [0] [1]: [2] // Formats the title of each of the option panes in the part info panel. // [0] is the label (e.g. fuelTypeLabel above). // [1] is the display name of the resource combination. #SimpleFuelSwitch_titleFormat = [0]: [1] // Same as titleFormat, except this one's applied to the default selection. #SimpleFuelSwitch_titleFormatDefault = [0]: [1] (Par defaut) // Formats "detailed info" for one resource in the info panel at right. // [0] is the display name of the resource (e.g. "Liquid Fuel") // [1] is the quantity (e.g. "0.3 t") #SimpleFuelSwitch_detailedInfoFormat = [0]: [1] // Formats a number in tons to a displayable version, with units. #SimpleFuelSwitch_massTonsFormat = [0:0.0##] t // Display name to use for a selection that has no resources in it. #SimpleFuelSwitch_noResources = Aucune Ressource } } ********************************************
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