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Everything posted by bwied4

  1. Makes all non movable parts movable in EVA construction, while respecting existing module packed volumes and stacking capacity. This was my first time creating a patch, but after a lot of trial and error I believe I got it doing exactly what it should. Let me know if you find any issues with it. Thanks to @Goufalite for providing me with a starting point. //Makes all non movable parts movable in EVA construction, while respecting existing module packed volumes and stacking capacity. @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart]&!MODULE[ModuleGround*]] { MODULE { name = insertedModuleCargoPart packedVolume = -1 } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[insertedModuleCargoPart]&@MODULE[ModuleInventoryPart]] { +MODULE[ModuleInventoryPart] { @name = tempModuleInventoryPart } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[tempModuleInventoryPart]] { -MODULE[ModuleInventoryPart] { } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[insertedModuleCargoPart]] { %MODULE[insertedModuleCargoPart] { @name = ModuleCargoPart } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[tempModuleInventoryPart]] { %MODULE[tempModuleInventoryPart] { @name = ModuleInventoryPart } }
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