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  1. Oh thanks!!! it worked by getting the GPP_secondary inside the gamedata file into my game data folder. I only have 1 minor texture issue with GEP when having both GPP and GEP installed, Sirona turns completely white(but thunders still visible) and Nodens's s aurora becomes very thick. when having just GEP installed this doesn't happens and both planets are absolutely perfect. I have AVP 8k installed along with EVE and scatterer v0.0772. Any way to fix? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2750059342 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2750059180
  2. I am trying to get both GPP and GEP installed while having the stock sun as primary, when having both installed only 1 sun orbits Grannus without the planets and it isn't even called Ciro. it mentions this in the README notepad: @Kopernicus:NEEDS[GPP_Secondary] { @Body[Ciro] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = @inclination = @eccentricity = @semiMajorAxis = @longitudeOfAscendingNode = @argumentOfPeriapsis = @meanAnomalyAtEpoch = @epoch = } } } Can you please explain more? where do I write this? and what numbers do I put? I have no idea how this works lol I have placed the GPP textures and GPP_secondary files and GPP clouds file into my gamedata. Could you please tell me how to create and where to put a sample file with all the numbers that fixes the orbit? It would be truly appreciated!
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