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Everything posted by Fabled_Mike

  1. For some reason the engines on the engine cluster are white. does anyone else have that problem?
  2. Is it compatible with waterfall?
  3. Is KSC switcher not Supported yet or is there a bug with my game? The KSC spawns underground but only when I select kourou.
  4. For some reason when I switch to kourou using KSC switch the KSC is underground Also KSC extended doesn't work. Is it not compatible with ksc switch?
  5. Also does this mid support Waterfall?
  6. If I download katniss cape canaveral for ksrss does it switch automatically?
  7. What's the diameter of Ariane V? Also, does this mod add ariane 6 parts?
  8. I won't be able to use my pc for a while so I can't share the ksp.log file but I tried it on a completely new install and it still didn't work.
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