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Posts posted by NathlessOne

  1. I'm on Wasteland, but i can't find the KSC ruins... I'm even in the exact spot, but somehow i can't find it! i have alot of mods including Kerbal Konstructs. I even have terrain scatters at max, and high quality terrain, but im there, and there is nothing. Please help!

  2. Hey,  so i went to the Wasteland, but i can't seem to locate the old KSC. i am on the exact spot on the exact continent, but i just cant find it. I have terrain scatters enabled, i have Kerbal Konstructs... I would love to see it, so can someone please help?

  3. 4 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

    Actually there were 44,286 exceptions. :o That's impressive. 

    I don't know if I can help much, I've never used AK. Right at the top of the KSP log are these warnings:

    Log started: Sun, Jul 03, 2022 21:00:08
    [LOG 21:00:08.340] ActionCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928
    [LOG 21:00:08.341] AppCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928
    [LOG 21:00:08.343] MainCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928
    [WRN 21:00:09.517] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\AfterKerbin\_Core00\AK_ReaperPQS.cfg'.
    [WRN 21:00:09.656] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\DecouplerShroud\Textures\ShroudTextureConfigs.cfg'.
    [WRN 21:00:09.775] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads\EL_CCK-tags.cfg'.
    [ERR 21:00:14.302] Error: Empty part config file
    [WRN 21:00:14.302] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Engines\Wyvern\Upgrades.cfg'.
    [WRN 21:00:14.533] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Patches\EnginePlacement.cfg'.

    So it can't find or access those 5 files... that's not a good start. I'd make sure the files are actually there.

    The first exception is 

    [LOG 21:00:18.356] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon '_BuildManager' from assembly '_BuildManager'
    [EXC 21:00:18.363] NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
    	System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
    	_BuildManager._BuildManager+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<logVersion>b__0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) (at <caa8a9a07bbf48af914d3a76740b33a6>:0)
    	System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectArrayIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    	System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0)
    	_BuildManager._BuildManager.logVersion () (at <caa8a9a07bbf48af914d3a76740b33a6>:0)
    	_BuildManager._BuildManager.Awake () (at <caa8a9a07bbf48af914d3a76740b33a6>:0)
    	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    	AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

    I think BuildManager is for Extraplanetary Launchpads.

    And standard advise... you shouldn't mod your Steam install. Much better to make a copy of the whole game and mod the copy. The "check file integrity" in Steam often doesn't work correctly for modded installs. It's easy to manage different KSP copies with CKAN.


    the thing is i already copied the steam copy

    CKAN dosent work from what i have tried in the past


    so lemme try again, if it works, i thank you very much!

  4. Hello! i would like some help please.

    i keep trying to play After Kerbin (AK from now on), but it does not load, saying there was an exception, blah blah etc...

    It used to work perfectly fine, but then it suddenly decided to just stop working... i will provide the logs so that you guys can check it out.

    the version is 1.12.2, as from my experience,  AK was most stable. i use the most recent Kopernicus version, 132. I love playing AK and Beyond Home, so if i ever get a fix, my entire life will be happy!




  5. 29 minutes ago, EimajOzear said:

    So I'm trying to set up a BH 3.5x rescale game, but the configs seem to remove Lua's property of being synchronous with the rotation of Rhode.

    If I want the synchronicity of Lua to be preserved, is it a case of changing the "rescale" value?

    i have no idea. maybe go to the settings and get to trial and error-ing your way until it does it. or else, maybe tidally lock it?

  6. 20 hours ago, Xithyl515 said:

    I've installed beyond home and everything went well. I learned that I needed Kerbal Konstructs to have the Lua launch pad appear AFTER I started my save. I installed KK and landed on Lua, do I need to land EXTACTLY on the Lua launch pad to find it? Or do I have to restart my save to have the launch pad populate correctly?

    nope, just press the "KK" button in the VAB/SPH to choose some bases, which include the Lua base, and others on Rhode!

  7. Hey @Gameslinx, is it ok if i make more Science Definitions for Beyond Home? I found it quite empty when it came to stuff like temperature scans, EVA reports, etc.

    Just now, NathlessOne said:

    Hey @Gameslinx, is it ok if i make more Science Definitions for Beyond Home? I found it quite empty when it came to stuff like temperature scans, EVA reports, etc.

    and to extend to that, would i be preaching into legal territory? could i send you the finished file so that you could implement it into the next Beyond Home update?

  8. On 4/5/2022 at 2:34 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

    OK, I give up. Either the Tempus system works as an extrasolar system, but the stock system is completely gone and there's a second Rhode orbiting around the space where the sun should be, or I get a massive wall of Kopernicus exceptions. Oddly enough the tracking stations on the Rhode in Tempus system are still working, but the KSC is on the Rhode orbiting the non-existent sun.




    I'm not really sure why this isn't working, but if someone else wants to pick this up then I can share the configs I've made so far at that point.

    i think i might be able to help. there is a file that removes all stock bodies. Maybe removing it would work along side this. the reason there is no sun is because the sun was programmed as the barycenter of the Tempus system. Ideally, you would want to remove all the bodies orbiting the dead kerbol, including itself. although it might not work, its better than nothing!


    I would not be able to contribute code-wise. You have better coding knowledge than me. here is my contribution! 

  9. while im at it, mr Gameslinx, can you help me with this problem i have here? ive been trying to get support, while trying things. closest i got was clouds on Rhode. here are some photos of what the planets look like.





  10. 15 hours ago, Alex1234567890 said:

    I just have a new idea.How about combining both planet mods,one KSRSS,one Beyond Home,together?

    in theory, it would not work. Beyond Home's Barycenter is considered the "Sun" of the system. with KSRSS, the Sun is, well, Sol. they would clash, either giving you the child of litteral hell, combining the Tempus system with the Solar system, or give you a wall of Kopernicus errors.


    Then again, I've seen forum users here use some sorta coding technique to somehow make the Tempus system orbit around an invisible Sun. if your REALLY good at coding (unlike me), you might be able to achieve this goal.


    If you chose the latter, i wish you luck in your coding endeavors!

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