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Everything posted by Rutabaga22

  1. Lamoille County in Vermont 44°39'25"N 72°37'47"W
  2. My siblings are already tired of looking at the eclipse and went inside until totality. How could anyone find this boring? It’s so cool.
  3. Clear blue sky here in VT. I can't wait to watch! 3 minutes
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jSUnIe2QIi7zEXu_z_XnujxB3W9AVlzV/view?usp=sharing I moved it off of my desktop, but the issue is still there. If I leave it long enough without leaving the VAB or KSP it turns into loud static that plays even without any audio on my computer.
  5. I'm right in the path of totality! I can't wait to see the eclipse. I will probably walk to the park near my house to see it.
  6. 3. Against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of Laythe. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more. This is a complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it. Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence. Jeb saw all this and in his amazement became a bowl of petunias. Curiously enough, the only thing that went through his mind as he fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why jeb had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.
  7. I wonder if you could make an ISS-style cycler with parts contributed by all the countries. It'd be a large project, but with collaboration from 2 or more lunar-capable countries would be possible.
  8. Yesterday I cleaned up my room a little bit. Then I cleaned my bathroom. That's about it. Not much is happening today, a big snowstorm means the extracurricular I had scheduled today was canceled and I can't go anywhere. I'm modding a new skyrim save, if anyone has mod recommendations that'd be great.
  9. Update: I did some experimenting, this is an issue with a mod. I loaded a new ksp install with steam and it didn't have the issue. Here's my log, maybe this will help find the issue: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y7EheAlhFTqjKoDMl6Lmg0OpdxV0E7fH/view?usp=sharing
  10. I taught my friend to play ksp, he got it to build planes and I managed to barely teach him to orbit. I'm a little rusty from not playing in a while, but I can ksp still.
  11. I went to a new Mexican restaurant that opened near me. It was some of the best-tasting food I've ever had. Other than that my day was consumed by Per Aspera. I hadn't played the game in a while but got sucked in. Then I sucked my friend back in because he saw me playing it on Discord. I've also had a cough for six weeks...
  12. My friend is having an issue where his Sputnik rocket is rolling when he launches it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  13. Is there a way to accurately translate coordinates on real earth to KSRSS?
  14. I'd also like to mention that this only happens in the VAB
  15. Playing KSP makes my whole computer's audio loudly crackle and distort. I don't know how it happens, but when I close the game, it returns to normal after 5 minutes. Why does this happen? How can I fix it?
  16. I'm having some errors on startup. Freshly modded install w/ Ckan. Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vPqpZrM7sQllL_abrFR5QGyJBXLdTU-N/view?usp=sharing
  17. Me and my friend are having an issue with CKAN. He's trying to install from a .ckan file I sent, but his CKAN just freezes up with his mouse becoming the spinny blue wheel.
  18. Floor 4579: A large glass room filled with garbage.
  19. How do I splice crafts into saves like they do on For All kerbalkind? Me and my friend want to do a similar space race, but we have no idea how to splice in the spacecraft. Do they just add the craft file and then set orbit?
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