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Everything posted by DKrazy

  1. I've very recently encountered a problem with my install of KSP. I recently installed several visual mods for the game, but now I've found that whenever I'm playing the game and I enter map mode all the in-world UI seems to shake subtly. This means stuff that points to locations within the solar system, such as periapsis and apoapsis indicators, contract location pointers, mouse-over text, etc. Maybe there's something wrong with the mods? The visual mods I have installed are Scatterer, Parallax, Parallax for OPM, and Planet Shine. For a bit more context, I had these mods installed before, prior to uninstalling and reinstalling them. I wanted to get rid of mods I wasn't using, so I just uninstalled everything on CKAN and reinstalled all the mods I was using.
  2. So, there's a bit of a problem. I use the ckan mod manager for my KSP mods. Would that mess anything up if I created another install folder?
  3. I want to install the Community Tech Tree mod, but I'm worried about my already existing save files. Would installing the mod mess with my current games?
  4. Unfortunately I can't upload an image, because it says to upload the image via URL and I don't really know what that means (I'm new to this website). But I can describe the situation. I've got a Rockomax X-200-32 fuel tank in the centre as part of a sort of refuelling section for the station. Attached to the station are two rings of 8 FL-T200 fuel tanks each, the tanks of the lower ring behind attached to the tanks of the upper ring. Some of these fuel tanks lie directly beneath 4 nuclear engines, as a result the engines produce no thrust. Edit: Okay, I actually just figured it out. Thanks for the help.
  5. Okay, so I managed to get the docking port on, but I've run into an issue. Due to a design flaw, I need to move (or destroy) some small fuel tanks attached to the sides of the station for the station itself to work, but some of them can't be moved because they're attached to a larger fuel tank in the centre. Is there any way to fix this?
  6. I've built a station that's meant to be for a long-term mission to Duna. I want to add an extra docking port to it, so I docked a rocket to it with an SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit containing a Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port. I have an engineer on the station, but for some reason I can't take it out of the storage unit to place on the side of the station. How could I go about doing this?
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