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  1. I have a big rocket, and when I separate radial boosters the fuel tank falls off the fairing (staging double checked). I have added a lot of structs, but it still falls off.
  2. I have clicked "Build new vessel" or something like that and ksp has been stuck for 20 minutes like this: What can I do? I dont remember saving and I do not want to lose 2 hours of work. Does it autosave? NOTE: 30 minutes now
  3. Suggestion: Transfer science experiments between crafts. For example, a Jool-suicide probe that would transfer data to a station with a mobile processing lab. Not much else to say about this
  4. Rules: No cheating, kraken drives, overclock, hyperedit, etc. IRSU's/drills allowed Must use SCANSAT to scan all moons and planets fully, Lo, Hi, Multi, Vis Lo, Vis Hi, Anomaly, Res Lo, Res Hi must be 100% Decoding: Lo - Altimetry low, Hi - Altimetry High, Multi - Biome, Vis Lo/Hi - Visual Low/High, Res Lo/Hi - Resource Low/High Stock resource scan not required Only 1 ship can leave planet SOI. You can leave stuff anywhere you like, as long as you are not gonna use it anymore (AKA debris) Least mass wins Information/Autopilot/Visual mods allowed. Stock parts Any settings you like except DSN must be normal-level Anything else?
  5. Is SCANSAT allowed? For finding cool/nice landing spots and better resource scans
  6. Not in order: Laythe - End destination Vall - See stonehenge then forget about it Pol, bop - Refuel Tylo - Assists
  7. Ok tested it, an ion engine cannot lift itself with infinite fuel on the highest point of eve Challenge edited: You can positively overclock ion engines, but not negatively (for infinite fuel)
  8. Thats the thing I dont know if it is possible, can an ion engine even lift itself in eve?
  9. The challenge is simple. Using only ion engines from the very beginning, get a kerbal to Eve's surface, plant a flag, and return to kerbin. ONLY Ion engines allowed Stock No rcs You can use a rover to move your launch site to a higher place No abusing Launch Stability Enhancers or anything like that to make your launch higher. The first stage must be a reasonable distance from the ground Or is it actually impossible EDIT: You can positively overclock ion engines, but not negatively (for infinite fuel) SCORING: +100 points for completing the challenge +50 points if you did not move your launch site +50 points if you did not use batteries +20 points if you did not use RTGS x1.2 points if you get 220 points (Did all the above)
  10. Somehow, the top right engine tank in the picture got disabled, I had literally 4.5k dV in there. I feel like (Cast Away spoilers) But thanks to this mistake and you all I learned the joys when the gravity assist works out for you! Thanks!!
  11. I need your help again. Yup I didnt burn up it shaved off 150m/s yay This is my craft, captured into a 200k-1mil orbit. Is 45km a good aerobeaking altitude? I will stow away the antennas and solar panels. I can go multiple times if i need EDIT: Laythe orbit
  12. I now have done 2 gravity assists, used 25 dV (this was so fine I just used rcs) to get a laythe encounter that is in line with the thing I'm trying to deliver the landers to orbit I love the jool system now Also its unmanned
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