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  1. Most excited for colonies and new rescource management
  2. If you want to grasp at any straws, what about the pic of the space station? Some of the modules reminded me of some life support mods I think
  3. You can easily make a hydropocinic module so any space stations are permanent, it doesnt have to be a time bomb, and the game is already hard, like Ive said before you could just give the command pod enough food by default for a return trip to the mun, and remembering life support is pretty intuitive to new players Id imagine. Ive messed up so many missions because I make a probe with no solar panels and it runs out of battery, I make a return vessel and forget the parachute or heat shield, vessels that need to be docked and I forget the docking ports on one of the vessels, forget reaction wheels and lose control, adding life support just increases the early game difficulty very slightly for the new players, but makes crewed missions so much more distinct from probes and so much more rewarding especially from interplanetary missions which arent done by total beginners anyway
  4. You need some way to incentivize smaller more effecient rockets since without it designing rockets becomes very unrewarding to most people. Late game I could imagine fuel being the limiting factor and setting up a mining colony and scanning minmus for the ideal locations for a colony etc could be fun, early game straight up money is just a better way to limit the game I think. Also late game if they make more advanced engines that run on rare rescources that need to be mined on eeloo etc, i think thats a great idea, but early game I cant imagine it being fun to get rescources unless they also want to design Kerbal Train Network engineer too to run a kerbin transport network
  5. Also people saying they wont add punitive systems, what do you call running out of fuel? Some things are just core to rockets and need to be modeled in the game like fuel, somethings are core to long term missions and need to be modeled in some way like LS even if its much easier than keeping humans alive. No need to model cancer from radiation imo, kerbals have stronger immune systems and better DNA, no need to have them die just go in to hibernation comas so its not too punishing like has already been mentioned
  6. Yeah nothing extreme and it should be a setting like the comm network, but I think it being base game not a mod is better
  7. How do you guys feel about some basic life support being in ksp 2 base game? I know its a lot for new players, but really they arent doing return crewed interplanetary missions anyway and going to the mun or minmus you wouldn't need much. You could be generous with the amount of food by default in the crew pods since they arent humans to ease the barrier to entry, but multi year missions youd want something to get artificial gravity, a large food store, maybe water but you could say kerbals are 100% water efficient or something. Greenhouse for stations would be so fun I think. Satellites are so fun with the comm network and setting up a relay network is so satisfying to me, but in base game honestly crewed missions are only slightly harder and way more rewarding, kind of feel like you just use that and ignore probes whereas I think both would be needed if you had life suport
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