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NeoMorph UK

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  1. Just got it to work… I didn’t have control but I could retract and extend one of the antennas and suddenly I have full control. Definitely a bug.
  2. So I wanted to make a reusable booster and added commutron-16’s (extended), a probe control unit, batteries, made sure there was enough fuel for boost back and when I switched to the booster… NO COMMNET. So basically it has all items that are needed for a functioning probe. So why is it saying no comms? Is it a bug? Have I done something wrong?
  3. I do know that landing in water is glitchy too. My capsule starts spinning wildly and then sinks. But this is the beauty of early access. Seeing all the bugs that happened in KSP1 happen again in KSP2. If you look for any of your bugs on Google and just put KSP instead of KSP2 you will see the same bugs you are now experiencing happened in the original too. This is where having HarvesteR on the team would have been beneficial I think.
  4. I landed on Minmus and realised my landing gear was a leeeetle too springy because my lander landed, took off, landed, did a 360 degree flip, landed, did a 360 degree flip the other way and then went KABOOM. I think I almost wet myself laughing. Did they actually REDUCE the gravity on Minmus? Or is it just to do with the landing gear settings?
  5. I went DOH…. When I realised I was looking for MechJeb’s SmartASS. Lol Then I remembered the god of KSP tutorials teaching me to dock in KSP1 (thank you Scott Manley) and rendezvous completed and docked first try. Total fluke probably but I’ll take it. https://imgur.io/gallery/3UijTuu
  6. I've got to be missing something here because when I go to do a rendezvous I can't figure out how to get SAS to display the target option like relative plus and minus. Without them I don't know which way to thrust to slow down near the other craft. HELP! lol I also had another weird thing happen when I started my rendezfail attempt. The target craft I left in LKO stopped updating when I launched my second craft. It literally was hanging over KSC as if it was in geosync orbit... but it was only at 110k. Switching to the other craft and back to my docking craft woke it up but then I got the problem I described at the beginning of this post. No SAS target options. KSP2 is going to need some TLC for sure to get it working right. I've been telling people that the game is in Early Access and that it needs loads of bugfixes... but missing essential funtions is kind of strange. But like I said to others who are hammering the game atm... Early Access Launch doesnt actually mean playable. It just means you get to watch a product (hopefully) improve over time and even get the option to influence its development.
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