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Everything posted by Rhomphaia

  1. The recent update introduced a bug to this tutorial so the craft loader can no longer find the craft it is looking for. you can work around this by ignoring the instructions to load the craft, and just build it again, starting with the command pod and parachute. Google translate- La récente mise à jour a introduit un bogue dans ce didacticiel afin que le chargeur d'artisanat ne puisse plus trouver l'artisanat qu'il recherche. vous pouvez contourner ce problème en ignorant les instructions pour charger le vaisseau et le reconstruire simplement, en commençant par le module de commande et le parachute.
  2. Just me? both desktop and mobile are all messed up Edit: NVM, seems to be ok again
  3. As was planned for the firefly. ended in a typical fashion for aerospikes. too heavy, too complex, too difficult to cool.
  4. Except what is the point of increasing the mass and complexity to raise the vacuum efficiency of an engine that is never going to be used in a vacuum? Staging is a form of altitude altitude compensation by itself, by limiting the range of altitude the rocket works under.
  5. When they are in a kerbals inventory, the icon for the experiment in the inventory will have a down arrow in the corner, clicking this will deploy the experiment.
  6. You have to right click the thrusters, then it is under "show actuation toggles". if you do it in flight, you will have to do it for all thrusters individually, but in the VAB/SPH you can do it by symmetry groups
  7. A global toggle for RCS "pilot only" would be nice to stop SAS wasting fuel, but for now with advanced tweakables turned on, you can select which inputs each thruster responds to and so can disable pitch, roll and yaw
  8. On steam, right click the game in library list, select "Properties", then "Betas" in the window that pops up. The older versions can be found under "select which beta you would like to opt into" dropdown
  9. The rocket in this tutorial is bugged, the decoupler has been clipped through the upper stage engine which knocks it off course when you stage. or sometimes it sticks impeding your thrust until it overheats and explodes, either way it is hard to avoid triggering a failure even in circumstances that should be easily recoverable
  10. Right click the OKTO2 in flight and select Kerbnet Access from the part action window that pops up
  11. Yep, as far as I can see the craft file for the hopper is where it should be but the new craft loader, introduced in the 1.12 update cannot see that location. You can work around by ignoring the step of opening the craft and just manually placing a pod with a parachute on top
  12. Not really no, it would depend so much on the orbit chosen, there are an infinite number of orbits it could take. all we could say for certain is that none of them would have an inclination below 28 degrees or above 152 (assuming the rocket did not make the Dogleg maneuver @YNMdescribed earlier) If the planet was not rotating we could also say for certain that the ground trace would describe a great circle around the globe that would cross the equator twice on opposite sides of the globe, and would pass over Kennedy again every orbit. on a flat map projection it would look most probably like a sine wave but things get fuzzy if it gets close to the poles, and if it crosses them then it just looks like a vertical line, when you also have a rotating planet the ground trace can look like all manner of things.
  13. Yep, something wrong with it, it has been reported, https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/28069 Seems to only affect the MK2 this time
  14. The issue here is that as you noted in the opening post, the Longitude of the ascending node is undefined for an equatorial orbit, and since LAN defines argument of periapsis this would also be undefined. Since computers don't like undefined numbers KSP does things a little backwards to prevent them, it assumes that the Longitude of Periapsis is on the other side of the planet from where you are now, and that argument of Ascending node is -90 degrees from that, then swaps them about for the more conventional system If you were to launch into inclined orbit, you would see you LAN change by 90 degrees, but if you launch from a non equatorial launch site the LAN readout on the launchpad will give an accurate reading Longitude changes over time because it is celestial longitude rather than geographic.
  15. Yeah I have noticed this one. If the probe is inside the fairing it won't work. putting the fairing on top of the probe should work
  16. there is still thrust, you just don't need the throttle, if you have RCS thrusters then pressing for example K will cause all the RCS thrusters pointing in the appropriate direction to fire, in this example lifting the craft up
  17. Indeed reaction wheels cannot translate the vehicle, neither in the real world or KSP. Reaction Control Systems would normally be an umbrella term for all systems, but in KSP, RCS specifically refers to reaction control thrusters. small thrusters pointed in various directions to control attitude or translation The rover I remember you asking about before from the Mun Rover scenario has several of these, some powerful ones underneath to lift the rover up, and 8 sets of 4-way thrusters around the outside to allow lateral translation.
  18. In the real world rather than changing the orientation of the reaction wheel, you use three small wheels, mounted at 90 degrees to each other, (or 4 wheels in a tetrahedral arrangement if you want a spare) by changing the speeds of these wheels you can induce rotation in the space craft in any axis you want, yes you need to power the wheels somehow. Larger spacecraft like the ISS use the system where the orientation of a larger flywheel is changed, these are called Control Moment Gyroscopes the actuators on the fins and engines have nothing to do with the reaction wheels, they are separate systems the only mechanical connection is that they are attached to the same spacecraft. It is just that in KSP when you input a command then the spacecraft will use every method at its disposal to achieve that, even if those methods are ineffective such as gimballing an engine that isn't firing or angling fins in a vacuum
  19. This. Usually a craft is automatically crewed, but if all available crew are already in another flight then you may need to hire more, sometimes when editing a craft it can also end up taking out the crew,
  20. Well, between mission issues, problems with stem and the real world getting in the way, it took a little longer than I had hoped but STS-2a is complete. Mission report
  21. SAS is not required to control, it only gives stability assist, so if you have steerable fins, RCS, gimballed engines, or reaction wheels, then stayputnik can control those mechanisms as long as it has connection to KSC, but only manual inputs, so in space for every rotation you induce you will need an equal and opposite input to stop the rotation
  22. Not really a gameplay issue as such, just had a look and it seems the rocket used in this tutorial is bugged. noticed some z-fighting around the decoupler in question. it has been moved up so it is at the top of the terrier, clipping through the shroud, when staged it collides so cant separate. either knocking the craft violently or getting stuck. There is also some z-fighting noticeable around the join between the 400 and 100 tanks this doesn't cause any issues though, but something has gotten out of place
  23. Thanks, hopefully you won't have to wait too long. Wait until you see it balancing a 40t fuel pod on it's nose, that one may take a bit longer though, 2-a should be next, hopefully tonight or tomorrow
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