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Everything posted by oniontrain

  1. I have recently restarted a game on 1.12 (I know, I know. ) and all the foil textures no longer have the metallic shaders on them. The ones in BDB and other mods look fine, is it possible I forgot to install something?
  2. I'd love to see more probe parts for the different MV series, you should be able to make an add-on mod that fits the style if you want to add more stuff
  3. I know I'd love that. I like to learn about them by putting them together myself instead of using craft files but sometimes I don't know exactly what goes where
  4. Ah, I see. I was under the impression they were going to be deprecated, thanks.
  5. I thought the special ports were going away and the behavior would be folded into the stock ones? I guess that didn't happen? Or are they just there for previous vessel compatibility?
  6. Do I still need to use the Konstruction docking ports or is it now a feature of the stock ones? The Konstruction ports seem to still be in my parts list here
  7. I'm trying to use a thrustmaster t.16000m with KSP and this is pretty much the only way to use it. The only issue I'm having is that I'd like to use the axis 5 on my throttle to drive forward/back with, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I have all axes unbound in the control settings, and it detects it properly in AFBW, but it doesn't seem to be affecting my rover's wheels. I have this same axis set to translate Z and it works on spacecraft just fine. Is there a setting somewhere that I might be missing? Is there any more information I need to get to troubleshoot this? I'm using 1.12.1 and AFBW
  8. The newer versions of blender are fairly usable compared to how it used to be. I started on 3DSMAX and to me blender was an unusable mess till the last two versions or so
  9. yeah that's what I've been going by but it's not very high res
  10. Is there a picture or build guide of all the current historical craft?
  11. Are weldable ports a default feature of 1.12 or will I still need Konstruction?
  12. Is there something I can do to get the custom axes assigned for the robotics stuff?
  13. I have a thrustmaster t.16000m throttle and stick, will this let me use them in game without having to go through the frankly buggy TARGET software? by default KSP recognizes all the axes just fine, but button one on the joystick is the same as button one on the throttle, it doesn't recognize them as separate controllers for button assignment. If I run the TARGET software the axes all go crazy in game and there's something you need to do with the scripting program which I don't understand how to use. Edit: This seems to do the trick, but doesn't allow me to assign the extra custom axes. Are those unsupported? I think they require breaking ground.
  14. should I update if I'm still on 1.11 or leave it alone for now?
  15. Something about this mod is causing a b9PartSwitch error after I updated it, it was running fine a few days ago before i installed the new version. Error is as follows:
  16. Not sure what the last version was but it should have been current. I have been getting them off of CKAN, I'm not sure if there's a way to roll back to previous versions or not edit: i went from 1.11.1-39 to 1.11.1-40 Edit again: It's not Kopernicus, it must be another mod. Disregard everything.
  17. KSP was running fine yesterday, today all I did was update Kopernicus and now I'm getting a b9 part switch error on load. I have no idea why this could be related but that's literally the only thing I did. If anybody could tell me where to start troubleshooting that would be helpful Error as follows:
  18. I'm glad you've taken up maintenance of this mod! I'm still using the old version but will change out to this one next time I play.
  19. Yeah that was the problem. I edited my post above, but I had to make sure EVE was completely deleted both from CKAN and from my KSP directory
  20. I'm getting an error in CKAN trying to install Astronomer's Visual Pack, It says it's not compatible with my game version, but I'm running 1.11.2 which it definitely works with, as I have it installed through CKAN on another instance just fine. What am I doing wrong? Is there a file somewhere that might be outdated causing this? I'm using the latest version of CKAN, and I'm on Windows using a standalone instance copied from my Steam version of KSP Edit: I have gotten this solved. EVE has to be completely and totally removed first before CKAN will let you install AVP.
  21. Which Konstruction parts, if any, can increase the weight limit of stock EVA construction? Do I just have to have them on a rover or on the base?
  22. I thought I was using the official release from ckan but I'll delete the folder and try redownloading it as I might have manually installed it at some point
  23. All the 4mv stuff is lableled with #LOC_tantares_4mv etc in my install, do I have the wrong version?
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