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Everything posted by NannerManCan

  1. So I was messing with the aero values in the debug menu to see what would happen but I forgot what the original values were. Is there a way to reset all the stuff you did in the debug menu? Or someone could just tell me the values.
  2. Could someone make a tutorial on how to start a kmp server with hamachi?
  3. There needs to be more ways to get science like a crewing staying in orbit for a week, month etc, or for docking 2 spacecraft together. But so far I'm loving careers mode, can't wait when we have to buy parts
  4. Also I think with the different difficulty settings you should get different budget amount, to me 50k starting seems a little low because since liquid engines cost so much you have to always use solid rocket boosters, maybe 100k for easy, 75k for medium, and 50k for hard
  5. Um it became un tidally locked in 0.18.... Edit: Ninja'D
  6. I think you can email the novapunch creater (Tiberion) about olds versions, I remember getting the 0.13.3 demo version of NP before. Not sure about mechjeb
  7. Hmm on my computer the exe is in the folder but on the website it isn't
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dgnmxwpsufv6jty/x9InPvzdWv
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24858-Old-versions-of-KSP-%28some-versions-still-wanted%21%29?highlight=versions+wanted
  10. Why would crew management need to be optional? It doesn't force anything on you. It lets you choose what crew you want on a rocket and how many you want in the capsule
  11. If you have steam yes it will. If you got it through the ksp store you have to go to your account and get to the download page and download the new version. Btw when it updates your old saves will be gone
  12. I've been playing since 0.16, but started playing the demo a little before that.
  13. Well I'm pleased with the goals for this next update. Not too fussed about resources, not like I could launch any large scale mining bases anyway . Great to see some steps toward careers mode and hopefully some new parts too.
  14. Is that why when right clicking the parts no heat info showed up? Whats the custom cfg for?
  15. Do you still go boom if you go at half thrust? It seems like a long craft I guess
  16. Why aren't there struts where you use 1 meter parts? Puts struts on each side connecting the weak connections together
  17. Already up to $163K and the numbers just keep going up! Btw if you guys didn't know this is by Planetary resources who want to mine asteroids for profit. These will be just the first step. Also those telescope are pretty small and light! 15 kilograms! (33lb), and it can detect as faint as magnitude 19! Edit: $442k and rising!
  18. Well it seems like the heat has been toned down. From a 100km orbit I came down at 2182.5m/s from 70KM up then 2252m/s at 35KM. Nothing exploded just some flames. I had to go to about 500km above kerbin then I fired my rocket straight down until I was going like 2800m/s the ship started exploding but my capsule and the fuel tank, asas, and engine below it were still fine. Also are we going to get some heat shield parts?
  19. Performance is still bad when looking at kerbin maybe even worse for me. Loading parts at the beginning seems slower. Ram usage has lowered but performance isn't better. Specs are Intel i3-2100 3.1GHz. 8GB DDR3 ram, Radeon HD 5570 graphics card. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit.
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