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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. well, ofcourse we dont let people who use the insane OP mods, i mean stuff like nova punch or B9 or KW
  2. can you add a 2.8m to 2.5 meter adaptor? so we can use the HTV parts with other 2.5m fuel tanks or stuff.
  3. thanks, you should add that the original post. would help people who dont know what EC is
  4. can you change the rules so mods are allowed? they dont give that big a advantage at all, unlike what most people think.
  5. you know, this should be named to IROMOMAN, because now its infernal robotics and no longer damned robotics
  6. instead of making it heavy, why not put a bunch of fuel in it? that way increased deltaV and same weight
  7. my bad, i just realized that was a bit harsh to say. sorry asmi, and the community.
  8. honestly, i dont see why we need another life support mod. we already have TAC and Ioncross, so honestly in my opinon i dont see a reason for another oxygen mod.
  9. honestly, im sorry to say but this mod uses insane amounts of ram. like, i can use NP and KW andB9 and alot of others, but if i use this mod with almost ANY other mod i start getting crashes ( i almost always run on lowest settings, 8th res, 1600x900 windowed incase you need to know.
  10. you can make it so one of the electrical bits is a SCANsat scanner
  11. can you add modular fuel system compatibility? so we can use the 1/3 size LFO tank to hold only LF and no O. also it would just be generaly awesome. (hint: dont forget to set the nuclear engines to how the new modular fuel system works, with nuclear fuel and only LF)
  12. the thing is with welding is that it reloads ALL the parts. if you have lots of mods, you cant afford to reload each and every part without crashing because the immense ammounts of ram required to do that. its like having 2x all the mods you have now.
  13. try touhou torpedos multiwheels. they have something like this
  14. can you revise where the parts are in the tech nodes? i think every part should be like, 2 or more nodes forward in tech, and the lunokhod should be with the rover wheels
  15. can someone release a .cfg file that has randomly placed citys around the KSC? i tried but i failed
  16. this mod is awesome. i cannot WAIT for the full release! hows development? like, % finished?
  17. can you do Polyus? (wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyus_(spacecraft) )
  18. can you move the menue button? i have Fscience science transfer plugin but i cant use it because the mission controller onscreen button blocks it, making it impossible to open the window.
  19. does this mod add other stars? i remember seeing some stars in one of the videos.
  20. what do you type before the = sign if you want biome specific ones for like, the mun?
  21. all i want in ksp is a Bimodal nerva, maybe even Trimodal? then i would be very happy
  22. shouldnt there be more mun biome reports? like mun eastern crater, or mun northern pole?
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