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Everything posted by comradephil

  1. Turns out my bearing design is rock solid. I tested it in various high G situations (spins on the tarmac, crash landings in water at 30m/s) and it simply will not break. Even after removing one of the two stayputniks. I improved both the bearing and shaft rigidity by playing with the suspension settings on the wheels and adding struts to the shaft itself, as well as repositioning some wheels for a tighter fit. The axle hardly wobbles at all now. I have sixteen blowers and have angled the blades at 60° towards the them, which seems to have increased torque no end. With a short wingspanned plane I've reached 50m/s on engine power alone, and with a high aspect ratio wing I've had it airborne for 30-40 seconds (45m/s) before stalling out into the sea. I also lengthened the prop, reasoning that a bigger prop means higher velocities at the tip thereof, therefore it'd provide more thrust. What I'm wondering now is how you guys get to 80m/s and more. I seem to have enough power to go places, but not enough to really take off. Can anyone take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Craft file EDIT: I DID IT! With the addition of eight extra blowers she'll now perform full aerobatic manoevres
  2. New to the whole bearing and turboprop thing, but here's my very first attempt! http://imgur.com/a/Hd576 She's a hybrid stayputnik and wheel bearing engine with 16 blowers. I'll let the album speak for itself
  3. I still lurk. All my posts from that period seem to have gone though. multiple forum migrations I suppose. I started around or something. There was no map view.
  4. You've actually solved the problem I've been trying to figure out for a while! I was using take off sleds to make probe planes, but all you need is the wheels! Here's my tribute to you I used the procedural wings mod, which is now my very favorite toy. Begun, the drone wars have. EDIT: Twin engine design! This is remarkably easy! Includes SAS for easy cruising Even lands easily, and the rear wheels never hit the ground over 20m/s
  5. This is still looking like one of the most promising mod sets in KSP to me. Just sayin'.
  6. Inventive! Is it three speed by any chance? What with you having a load of rotatrons, or are those for turning?
  7. I present to you, the ugly duck. A simple all stock craft, designed for very short take off and landings, as well as high speed cruising and aerobatics. Available with and without rocket engine. This four engined jet will propel three kerbals at lightning speed towards the skies. Take off procedures are simple. Half throttle, SAS on, trim all the way nose down and she'll take off beautifully horizontally. Landing approaches and level flight require an almost fighteningly nose down attitude, but this is all the better for the pilots, as they have a nice clear view of the landing area. The jets and wings are obviously canted to help the ugly duck get off the ground quickly, as well as back onto it at a low, low speed of 30m/s. Future plans include a payload slung underneath, such as remote controlled rovers, as well as kerbal transport in the form of crew tanks, as well as desert supply dropping, but those are currently on hold. while I pay attention to my girlfriend. Fully stock. Can fly without SAS, but my computer has a propensity for huge lagfests.
  8. Don't like the mod? Don't download it. There's no reason to just spew abuse at the creator, since he's creating something you can have for free. If you paid 300 euros or so and then complained about the video and lack of individual screenshots, then I'd understand.
  9. Heh, these have been around for quite a while. With a tiny bit of modding, you can get them to escape velocity. Just change the movement range.
  10. That looks familiar! I've been trying to get similar designs flying recently, but failed miserably. Well done to you for getting it working.
  11. So, my PC has been dead for a while now, so I\'ve hijacked my brother\'s for the evening. Since I have only limited time to think up crazy planes, I present to you the Extended range lawn dart! I think this speaks for itself.
  12. Oh we will. Come August I will possess the greatest fleet in the history of kerbalkind.
  13. Yes and no. You can play the pentatonic scale shape at any fret you like and it will be a pentatonic scale because the intervals are right, but then you can also play a pentatonic scale on one string if you like, or two, or move up and down the whole length of the fretboard, which is what I\'m doing partly in that particular piece of music. Definitely just learn the root notes first and play your scale from there and then start figuring that out though. You can do amazing sounding things by just staying within the same area of fretboard too.
  14. Well, that particular piece of music is in A minor, so you can play over the top of it with a scale of A, but also parts of the E minor pentatonic, as well as Major scales. Mostly this is based around A, at 0 and twelfth frets, starting on the A string, foraying into A major and some mixolydian runs thrown in. It\'s a tricky concept to explain, but suffice to say that you can slide the minor pentatonic scale up and down the fretboard and the root note (in this case, the first note you play at the bottom of the scale) determines the key, so at the fifth fret on the E string that\'s A, at the hypothetical 0 fret, you have E. Certainly learn the major and minor scales as well, and then go from there and learn to combine and run up the fretboard. That\'s the simple explanation, and a good intro to guitar and music theory. I\'ll just link a few resources here. This is a reverse chord finder, which can certainly be a help. Also on the website is a circle of fifths app, scale finder, reverse scale finder, a metronome, transposer (changing songs to different keys) and various other useful things. Certainly helps to keep http://www.all-guitar-chords.com/chord_name.php This is a very clear video tutorial series on various technical aspects of guitar playing Here\'s a little tutorial op open chord shapes http://www.guitarhabits.com/10-ways-to-play-the-most-beautiful-open-chord-shapes/ And certainly find people to play with as soon as you can, even if all you\'re doing all day is playing the blues in A, you\'ll learn a ton.
  15. So this morning I finally got my recording gear set up right and did this improvisation on two tracks with my guitar. I think it doesn\'t sound half bad for four minutes worth of work, so I thought I\'d post it here and see what the reaction was from other, less biased people. http://soundcloud.com/tuathal/dad-is-shouting-guitaronly
  16. I do live in Belgium, and it is most definitely after WWI.
  17. I\'d have upgraded my entire system, had I had the money, since that\'s the only way other than an ancient motherboard that my rig is ever going to be up and running again. It\'s just that I don\'t, My glasses have broken, my car is being fixed and I have about ten euros per week for food. I wasn\'t going to post the sob story, but I feel I need to justify it now you\'ve called my honour into question. Add to that the fact that AM2 is about five years out of date, technology wise and anybody with one lying around likely isn\'t going to be using it any time soon, it seemed like a reasonable enough request. Believe me, I\'d rather buy a new one, and just because I am asking, that does not mean I\'m a dirty beggar. I mean, you\'ll never get anywhere if you don\'t ask, right?
  18. Heh, I don\'t really have that much to spend in shipping, but PM me the link anyway, maybe it\'ll be cheaper for me. Thanks!
  19. Of course, i3\'s are cheap, but the motherboards? Christ.
  20. My motherboard melted last month, so I can\'t play KSP, and I don\'t have the money to upgrade my CPU, RAM and mobo to something more recent. So, here is my plea, can anyone ship me a working AM2 mobo to tide me over till I have some money for upgrades? I\'d obviously pay for shipping.
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