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Everything posted by cybutek

  1. The good ol' FAR problem! That explains a lot. It basically moves everything around and engineer pulls a fit when it can't find all the stuff. Who moved my keys?!?!?
  2. I agree that science in sandbox with this mod could be fun. Science has no other use than buying R&D parts in stock, so it made sense for squad to just disable it. If I do see about putting in an option in to unlock it, it will of course be an option. More than likely just a switch in the settings file to begin with. Options keep everyone happy!
  3. I've no idea what bugs anyone is getting... I cannot recreate any of them. It works perfectly fine for me and is available right from the start in career and no problems with any of the displays. I need a bit more information than "it just don't work" please.
  4. Version Updated for 0.22 is Available! Compiled for 0.22 and also includes career mode compatibility.
  5. Version 1.0.1 is available! Fixed issues regarding conflicts with Module Manager and any other mods that may use run-once.
  6. Thanks for the code, but in my case it didn't require such extreme measures. As for the science points, that was a bummer to get working. I had to come up with an elaborate solution as the changes would never stick between scenes.
  7. Damn it squad! *waves fist in air* They've had months to fix the issue. Anyway, I've fixed it at my end already in the last 2mins without having to resort to the workaround.
  8. Is it installed properly into GameData is the first question. Other than that, is it possible to get a copy of your log file? What has just crossed my mind is the fact that Kerbal Economy does make use run-once startup, which I knew was bugged in 0.21... Perhaps they still haven't fixed it?
  9. Does it still work on 0.22? I was expecting it to not work at all, which is the norm after an update. I'm going to have a look over and re-compile with the latest libraries tomorrow anyway.
  10. Sorry, it wont work. The only reason is because squad have decided to disable research and development as well as the science gathering system in sandbox mode. There may be a way to unlock it though. Something to have a look at whilst working on the extra features and API.
  11. Version 1.0 the post-0.22 non-showcase release is now available! ENJOY!
  12. Looks like a very odd bug. Sounds as if it is a window ID conflict. Does it happen after a restart? Because the current way Engineer window ID's are set is a random number between 0 and 2,147,483,647, it is still possible (very small) it may pick a number that is in use. Does it happen even when all other mods are disabled? Does it happen when all you have is a simple command pod, not a really complex 1,000 part monster? Is the problem a conflict associated to a particular part that is already on the vessel perhaps? Sorry for all the questions but bug tracking is very hard when it's not something that everyone experiences equally
  13. Right now the system is fairly simple because it has been made with the idea of a quick change on 0.22 release and it's ready to use. Everyone has been giving a lot of great ideas and all of them are viable, from Mission Controller to currency that is separate and not linked to science. The reason that I made it link directly with science is to give it some worth. If you are good, it is apparently completely possible to unlock the whole tech-tree in 3-4 launches, at which point there is no use for science any more. Once the system can actually be used properly, is when balancing changes and non-essential features can be sorted out. This is by no means the end product, just the first step in a long line of many. Just to answer a few questions: 1. I am hoping to get mods such as Mission Controller, Achievements and others linking into the Kerbal Economy system. This will be easily accomplished with the release of the KerbalEconomyAPI. 2. Vehicle recovery where the costs are put back into the system for recovered parts, will be one of the things worked on after the post-0.22 release. Thanks
  14. Yup, you've got it! Spending cash reduces your science, spending science reduces your cash. Likewise gaining science increases your cash. All based around the ratio which is a direct conversion of science into a cash value, and vice-versa. It is what makes it easy or hard as the lower the ratio, the more science it costs to purchase parts. I'm sure that there will be someone who's mental enough out there who will try to run a space program with a 1:1 ratio
  15. It gathers and uses the cost value that every part has. So it will work with stock and mod parts alike, but it will be down to whoever created the part to make sure it is balanced though. It is then converted by using the current cost ratio to get a value in science points. At the back-end everything is stored in science points and the money values at the front-end are all dynamically calculated. I've updated the main post with an imgur link under the image, hopefully it'll work. Fingers crossed
  16. Not much to the actual visual elements of it at the moment, just what you see in the screenshot. How visual can an economy mod be? The main point is that whenever you launch ships from the SPH/VAB, it will deduct science based on the cost of the craft. That is real science, not fake science, the same science that you spend on R&D. So building a big craft could eat up all your science making it not possible to do any more research until you get more of it. Right now I've just been just working on getting a base that functions, and will function well. When 0.22 is released, it will only need minor changes in the code to link into the real science pool. Thus it will be a quick release for one of the first 0.22 plugins
  17. Kerbal Economy 1.1.1 DESCRIPTION With the 0.22 release bringing a new scope of play to the table, it is still not fully featured. This plugin mod will give an extra dimension to the science system that has been implemented. It will keep track of your science flow and transactions via a ledger. Science is directly equal to money and the amount of money per science point is determined by the cost ratio. It will cost you money or science points to launch crafts from the SPH and VAB. BASIC Whenever you launch a ship or plane from the editor it will deduct science points from your overall pool, based on the cost ratio. There are 3 difficulty settings which change the cost ratio, and these are available via the ledger. - EASY = 2,000 - NORMAL = 1,000 - HARD = 500 The ledger will record transactions such as: - Ship/Plane construction. - Science gained on missions. - Science spent in the R&D department. Ledgers are available within the 'GameData/KerbalEconomy/Ledgers' folder, and are stored in a tab separated '.csv' files. The files are named after the associated save which is used within Kerbal Space Program. Note that the remaining parts of vessels are recovered along with any stored science, making it worth while to create re-usable crafts and getting them back to Kerbin intact. ADVANCED Settings are adjustable in the 'Settings.txt' file. I recommend starting the game, going into the space centre and opening the ledger first. That will create the settings file with all values that are adjustable. - Cost Ratio (for something other than default difficulties). - Ledger sizing (width/height). Settings changes need to be done whilst KSP is not running. API There is currently no documentation, but it will be alongside the project on GitHub in the near future. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to ask. CHANGES IN 1.1.1 - Fixed positioning of button in editor at low resolutions. CHANGES IN 1.1 - Added vessel recovery. - Added in-flight display. KNOWN ISSUES Editor pop-out flickers when scrollable area in the ledger is interacted with (looks like a Unity bug). SpacePortAlternative Download Source code is available on GitHub http://i.imgur.com/2RBAj8B.png http://i.imgur.com/pkVFyoK.png http://i.imgur.com/jvTPqQf.png Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
  18. A teaser to what is on its way very shortly after 0.22 release. The foundations are almost complete and will only need tie-ins with the science value in the game for a working release. Science is tied directly into money using a cost ratio. Every time you launch a ship from either the VAB/SPH it will deduct n amount of science from your global pool. There is no limits, if you build with 0 science you go into a negative, but you will have to gain science in the mission to offset this debt, plus any extra needed to be able to unlock any R&D. There is a ledger which will keep note of transactions, debits and credits to the pool. Which is stored as a tab delimited .csv file that is importable into Excel etc. Current difficulty settings are based on the cost ratio. Easy = 2000, Normal = 1000, Hard = 500. The main goal at the moment is to get something that is simple but works, and will be ready for a very quick release as soon as 0.22 is available. Extra features that are not essential will come down the road. The project is also on GitHub
  19. Have you got it calculating with the atmospheric adjustment inside the VAB? Engineer defaults to using vacuum Isp which will result in a much higher deltaV readout, but this can be toggled using the button at the top. When you go to launch, it will use actual Isp based on the current atmospheric properties.
  20. Version is now available! I have fixed the bug with the fuel lines not working. I have also increased the time required to pass between simulations are run in-case that's what was causing some people's freezes. If you still get freezes try This Alternate Plugin File is just single threaded and doesn't make use of multi-threading. Hopefully the multi-threaded version will work fine, but I need to know if the threading is the culprit of the freezes of whether a symptom caused by the fuel line bug.
  21. I can confirm that bug for myself... Looking into trying to fix it, looks like a horrible one though because that part of the code hasn't been changed, so something KSP was doing is now being done differently. *scratches head* edit: Think I've found the problem... Just got to sort the rest of the stuff out. As the freezing I've not come across yet, could be related to the multi-threading put in or the bug which has just been sorted.
  22. Thanks for the comment Paul, and everyone else who's using Engineer. I would just like to reply to your comment though about it not being set in the .21 folder structure. Because it adheres perfectly to the folder structure set out since 0.20 which is that you can have anything, anywhere you want To me, it doesn't make much sense separating out a .dll file into its own folder and all the parts out into another folder when it is pretty obvious what they are. The whole reason for the Parts and Plugins before was to keep separation and uniformity amongst lots of parts and plugins from different sources. It made sense when you had 10's of .dlls and 100's of parts all mingling together. But now that mods can have their own dedicated folders with their own structures within the GameData folder, that old file structure is just not needed any more when it comes to mods with only a few files. I believe that in my case, there would be nothing to gain from having a more strict folder structure. If there is nothing to gain by doing something, then why do it? I like to work by the acrynim K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid)... No point having extra complexity when there clearly is no need for it But now that it's been brought up... Does anyone have any problems with the simple folder structure I've used? Any opinions for or against it? My guess is that most people just don't care as long as it works EDIT: It should work fine by plopping the whole Engineer folder directly into your GameData folder. If that didn't work then I'd like to know what build of KSP you're running, Linux etc... As in I thought that the new folder structuring and file managements brought in with 0.20 would work the same with all builds of KSP.
  23. Version is now available! Sorry for the delay for this update, I've been watching what has been going on closely around my mod. You guys really spurred me on to do this update... I've just did a bit of an update for the 0.6 version to get it working and fixed a couple bugs including the notorious no deltaV for SRB bug . The simulation now runs on its own thread as well so may run a bit smoother with larger vessels, but don't quote me on it though. A little backstory about what has actually been happening... Not much to be honest, since 0.20 completely broke my v1.0 of Kerbal Engineer laying waste to a hundred or so hours of work, my heart has not been in it since then. I would still love to bring out v1.0, but until KSP updates become smoother and less breaky, I'm going to just keep this version going. I have not vanished off the face of the earth if any of you are wondering
  24. Just an update... I am working my way up from scratch on 1.0 as a lot of the core code has stopped working. Rendering practically everything in the editor useless and there's a few bits in flight which have stopped working also. Such as the targetting display. But other than that the Flight Engineer in 1.0 works, be it with some known bugs. You can get it from http://ksp.cybutek.net/engineer.php if you wish to try it out. It hasn't been formally released, even as an in-development release because it is very much work in progress. Didn't want lots of people banging on my door with pitch forks because of missing features and odd quirks which are known about My semi-closed public release was done through the Kerbal Space Pod podcast and via my own streaming on twitch.tv. This was because I could emphasize to the small population that it isn't finished, and that you shouldn't expect the world from it. Bear in mind that due to what's happened... Be fore-warned that it will be going right back to bare-bones indev1 fairly shortly, more than likely only including the editor functionality to begin with. I'll give you a heads up when this happens though and make sure the built in version status notifies you it as well. OK... Must get back to work, these thousands of lines of code won't type themselfs
  25. Try deleting the files in the PluginData/engineer directory and see if that helps
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