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Everything posted by Person012345

  1. By the way, it's set to have tanks and ships in too. I'm waiting on the tanks, see if they do those any better than WoT.
  2. I used to like it, then they changed the DM and now I can't find any fun in it. It's too easy but simultaneously frustrating and shooting things down isn't satisfying.
  3. This. I was 11, I just have a bad memory so I don't really remember **** from before then. In fact, I only really remember this because it happened whilst we were in school and the teacher started running around like a headless chicken. Edit: although 9/11 is still relevant today so I probably would still be able to remember hearing about it.
  4. I will almost guarantee there will be a DLC for it. They have the units all in place obviously, they have the factions, it's all fleshed out, the only reason it's not included in the base game most likely is because they want to sell every possible faction as a DLC. They might add some as free DLC too though.
  5. You can plug a non-touch-screen monitor into a computer with windows 8, I assume. Using a touchscreen for everyday computing sounds horrid.
  6. I don't. I don't even have a password on my computer so there wouldn't be much point.
  7. That could be it. I'm on 4.1.2 and from what I can tell from teh google the note 2 skipped 4.2. It seems 4.3 will be available for it in october. Oh well, I'll have to wait I guess.
  8. Ah. Well, I looked it up and the court ruling was that we are allowed to resell our digital licences, and the first lawsuit against steam (for providing no way of doing so) got filed in like, february or something. I can't find anything more recent than that so I guess the case hasn't come to court yet. When it does it's expected to be an open and shut case. So, Soon.
  9. Well I've played the game, but what I'm referring to is that I'm p. sure there was a ruling in a european court that steam couldn't stop us from reselling our steam games. So if the recipient lives in europe I believe it should be possible. Well, at some point anyway. >>
  10. 1. Imgur is terrible. I have never successfully uploaded an image to imgur, and believe me I've tried. 2. In the press of one (combination) of buttons it takes a screenshot, uploads it to the servers and copies the url of the image to your clipboard (with different modes). I'm not aware that imgur does anything like that. I initially began using it because my prtsc key was broken, but I've continued using it because it's handy. 3. My virus blocker and the virus blockers of all of my friends who use it have never picked up any malware, and I've yet to be haxxed and all my bank money stolen so...
  11. What, do you have to have not played a game to trade it?
  12. Does anyone know why this is? I mean, it's an android phone after all.
  13. If anyone does want the game but can't afford it, I would be willing to trade it for something on steam.
  14. It's tiny compared to real life. Which is what they're going for. And the physics aren't entirely realistic. I mean, they're good enough to represent space, but when your in kerbin's SoI the mun might as well not be there gravitationally. For example.
  15. As I said in the thread on this exact same topic a few posts down, it doesn't work for my Note II unfortunately.
  16. I can't think of any off the top of my head, although it's probably worth keeping an eye on the wargame series. The last one implemented a TW style campaign, although it had numerous flaws in execution (which I can forgive because they were kind of "this is a totally new thing we're trying and we just got it a bit wrong" flaws and the multiplayer and other game modes are a lot of fun anyway). They already have plans for the next game, although I don't know what they plan to do with that regarding the campaign. Hopefully they will continue to refine the grand campaign style and get it working great. It still wouldn't be the same as total war though in that you don't build up your nation and send out armies (it's set during the cold war and you get battlegroups based on real life units that you can call in). If I think of any I'll post them but TW is a pretty unique style.
  17. What a disappointment. I of course refer to Total War: Rome II. It's being slammed around the web for it's casualized gameplay, awful UI and AI and host of bugs among other problems. It has a metacritic user score of 4.4, down from 4.7 yesterday and still falling. I'm unfortunately with the hater side. The game doesn't feel like total war. It feels arcadey. It feels like it's prepping for console port (something that may well happen). I find the battles unengaging and simplistic (gone are realistic roman tactics, everything just devolves into a blob now), the campaign map mechanics are confusing and obscure and I don't get the "one more turn" feeling I have with other Total War games. It absolutely does not live up to being Rome I's successor. So, who else here bought it? What do you think? Does anyone disagree? If anyone is thinking of buying it, needless to say I cannot recommend it. I can show you threads and such explaining exactly why if you need more info. A lot of veteran players are very unhappy with it and there has been huge backlash against what they gave us.
  18. If this actually works then as mentioned it's an unrealistic bug that runs counter to the laws of physics and I heartily reject any suggestion enabling it to be better exploited. If it wouldn't work anyway because the ksp physics are right in this regard then the suggestion is moot.
  19. No. Again, you;re confusing the saying with reality. I bet if those so-called "scientists" strapped some toast to the cat they would not get the result that you get from the saying, It's because they use weak-ass reality, rather than taking the saying literally. The cat need not be alive. A cat always lands on it's feet.
  20. Yeah, science has actually been around long before technology because animals use science in a very basic manner.
  21. I more had things like virtual particles in mind.
  22. I'm not entirely sure how you expect a ship to be able to propel itself magnetically using docking ports.
  23. Or you know, on the ground like he said. Also being in orbit of the sun doesn't mean anything in KSP unless you're in it's SoI and not something elses. No sun-related physics (unless you count sunlight blocking) are calculated for an object in kerbin orbit for example.
  24. Wat. First of all I was using it colloquially not in the scientific sense. Secondly, if we can't make theories then where do theories come from? Define "some stuff". I though quantum theory and quantum field theory were in fact theories and that "some things" in them aren't proven (much like black holes weren't proven when einstein made relativity, nor was time dilation or gravitational lensing and so on),.
  25. By the way, any theory you make regarding the beginning of the universe is likely to be very silly and ignorant unless you're very well educated in things like quantum physics and so on. I'm not saying don't try, I'm saying that at least recognise that theories made by renowned scientists who have studied the field for years are likely to be better than yours with regards to the facts even if they sound stupid and nonsensical.
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