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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. After a brief Hiatus while I moved and generally had to sort my life out T1G has uploaded a fourth piece of the station! (Video in the first post) I should be able to do some stuff soon too so it should all be back on track now.
  2. That1Guy has uploaded the next piece of the puzzle! Check it out;
  3. Ugh I know, that really annoys me too. I've tried before to get rid of it but had no luck, I'll give it another go though.
  4. Hi! Myself and my good friend That1Guy (who makes excellent KSP videos) are doing a collaborative youtube series in which we are building a space station together! Here's the videos; Here are the first episodes from each of us; Let us know what you think! Thanks! Paprika
  5. True! Plus in Transmet, it's so far in the future than everyone who gets revived finds everything so weird that they all go crazy, so that would also be a downside...
  6. Maybe it's like in Transmetropolitan, where they froze people and just assumed that at some point in the future the technology will appear to revive them, even if it takes much longer than previously thought? Everything's gotta be invented if we just wait long enough, right?
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22952441 Just found this, any thoughts? I don't know as much about this stuff as a lot of you guys (hence me basically only posting in biology threads) so thought I'd steal a news article instead! mwahahaha
  8. You could maybe *power* the lights we already have with electricity from bacterial fuel cells though, depending on the voltage needed you might not need a huge cell to power each streetlamp. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_fuel_cell I've seen small ones (like Jam-jar size) put out enough juice to power LED's. Still using bacteria for cheap lighting, but with decent light levels! and no genetic engineering involved for those people who aren't ok with that kind of thing.
  9. You wouldn't even need genetic engineering, there are plenty of bioluminescent bacteria out there (especially in the sea, glowing fish use Vibrio fischeri to make their glowing) however if you used the same sized street lights you wouldn't get nearly enough light. However, if you're down with the GM stuff, why limit yourself to bacteria? http://www.archdaily.com/372998/can-glowing-trees-one-day-replace-electric-streetlights/ It's been proposed that we use trees for this purpose, which would give off way more light and be easier to keep alive! Hooray!
  10. I've thought about the milk thing before, and similar things; like, who saw a chicken lay an egg and said 'Damn, pass the frying pan'? And how many people died before we found out which mushrooms are edible and which are toxic?
  11. It's presumably Lactose intolerance. This is the inability to break down the sugar lactose, which makes it sit in your intestines where it is fermented by bacteria that can break it down, which presumably is the cause of your diarrhoea. Do you get the same effect with cheese? Pollen allergies are different to lactose intolerance, as allergic reactions are a type of immune hypersensitivity disorder whereas lactose intolerance is a digestion problem. Having said that I think dairy allergies are also a thing, so I may be talking total rubbish about lactose intolerance there! If it's a milk allergy, then something in the milk, possibly casein or some other protein, is causing an allergic response in the same way as pollen.
  12. If some easter eggs are being removed... maybe more will be added?
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